Chapter 17 - Silence in the Library

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Silence in the Library, part 2 -

The Oracle followed River to where she took off her backpack and took out a very used, Tardis-blue book and started to flip through it. The Oracle jumped up on the table and waited for instructions.

"Thanks", River spoke up.

"For what?", she raised an eyebrow.

"The usual. For coming when I call", River said.

"Oh, that was you? That was for me? Cool, can you tell the Doctor? He's never gonna believe me", the Oracle chuckled.

"You're doing a very good job, acting like you don't know me. I'm assuming there's a reason", she sighed and kept flipping pages.

"Yeah, pretty good one, actually."

"Okay, shall we do diaries, then? Where are we this time? Er, going by your face, I'd say it's early days for you, yeah? So, er, crash of the Byzantium. You weren't there but I suppose he told you. Have we done that yet?", she looked at her confused, "Obviously ringing no bells. Right. Oh, picnic at Asgard. Have we done Asgard yet?", River seemed very keen about that one but the Oracle's look just got more confused, "Obviously not. Blimey, very early days, then. Whoo, life with a time traveller. Never knew it could be such hard work. Look at you. Oh, you're young."

River finally put her book away and stepped closer. The Oracle chuckled a bit, "Everyone keeps saying that but I'm really not."

"No, but you are. Your eyes. You're the youngest I've seen you since, well, since we were children."

"You know me in the future? Wait. Hold on. You must have me confused, though. You can't have seen me as a child", she laughed with confusion, "That's impossible."

"Ta- Oracle, please tell me you know who I am."

She narrowed her eyes, "Who are you?"

Suddenly there was a beeping in the room, catching everyone's attention. They all turned around to see what had happened. Proper Dave explained.

"Sorry, that was me. Trying to get through into the security protocols. I seem to have set something off. What is that? Is that an alarm?"

"Doctor? That sounds like", Donna was interrupted by the Doctor.

"It is. It's a phone."

"Are we calling someone then?", the Oracle asked and walked behind the Doctor and Dave again.

"I'm trying to call up the data core, but it's not responding. Just that noise", Proper Dave was typing something.

"But it's a phone", Donna said.

"Let me try something", the Doctor pushed Dave out of the way and took the keyboard.

The screen said 'Access Denied' and the Doctor started typing again.

"Okay, doesn't like that. Let's try something else."

A little girl started to appear on the screen, "Okay, here it comes. Hello?"

"Hello. Are you in my television?", the girl asked.

"Well, no, I'm, I'm sort of in space. Er, I was trying to call up the data core of a triple grid security processor."

"Would you like to speak to my Dad?"

"Dad or your Mum. That'd be lovely", he shrugged.

"I know you. You're in my library."

"Your library?"

"The library's never been on the television before. What have you done?"

"Er, well, I just rerouted the interface."

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