Chapter 25 - The Next Doctor

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The Next Doctor, part 1 -

The Tardis materialised under an archway and Astrid jumped out first. She jumped up and down in the nineteenth century blue gown and the matching cloak she'd put over it. Her parents followed, the Oracle in a similar outfit, but red, and the Doctor in his typical suit and trenchcoat.

"I did it. I landed in the past, in the snow, actual snow", Astrid told her parents excitedly.

They smiled proudly before following her out into a marketplace of sorts where all types of goods were sold. They watched a choir singing 'God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen' for a moment before the Doctor moved over to a young boy.

"You there, boy. What day is it?"

Astrid and the Oracle giggled behind him, knowing the answer to his question.

"Christmas Eve, sir", the boy answered.

"What year?"

"You thick or something?"


"Excuse my father, please", Astrid interrupted with a grin, "It's 1851, did you forget again?"

"Right. You're too much like your mother. Nice year. Bit dull."

He shrugged and walked a circle around them when suddenly somebody started yelling, "Doctor!", they turned to the sound, "Doctor!"

"Who, me?", he grinned and ran to where the scream had come from and the women followed.

They found a young woman with dark skin and beautiful curls, moving away from green metal doors.

"Don't worry, don't worry. Stand back. What have we got here?", he spoke up, the woman behind him as the doors rattled, "Ooo. Okay, I've got it. Whatever's behind that door, I think you should get out of here."

"This is what Uncle Jack was talking about", Astrid told her mum giddily, jumping up and down on her arm.

"Doctor", the woman kept yelling.

"No, no. I'm standing right here. Hello", the Doctor told her as they all gave her confused looks.

"Don't be stupid. Who are you?", she asked him with just as much confusion.

"I'm the Doctor."

"Doctor who?"

"Ooo, she said the thing, Mum", Astrid told the Oracle who smiled down at her with a bit amusement.

"Just the Doctor", he replied.

"Well, there can't be two of you", she said.

"No, not again", the Oracle groaned.

Another man came running up and the woman turned to him, "Where the hell have you been?"

"Right then. Don't worry. Stand back", he pushed in front of the Doctor, "What have we got here then?"

"Hold on, who's this now?", Astrid asked.

"Hold on, who are you now?", the Oracle repeated the question towards the man.

"I'm the Doctor. Simply, the Doctor. The one, the only and the best", he smiled at her, "Rosita, give me the sonic screwdriver."

Rosita dug through her front pocket as the Oracle turned back to Astrid, "Definitely the same attitude."

"Not a former him, then?", Astrid asked her.

"No, we've shown you all the pictures."

"The what?", the Doctor asked the Doctor.

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