Chapter 24 - To Be Astrid

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To be Astrid -

A couple weeks had passed since Donna had left them and they had been orbiting the Earth that entire time, just floating about, reminiscing Donna but anticipating their daughter at the same time. They didn't talk much in that time. Most of the time they just sat in the library, reading in comfortable silence. Soon enough, the big day rolled around. The Oracle was in the kitchen in her pyjamas, having some breakfast while leaning against the kitchen counter, when suddenly a pain shot through her and then she felt the dribble of amniotic fluid between her legs.


She put her bowl down and held her belly just before the Doctor dashed into the room.

"It's time!"

His smile returned immediately as he helped her get to the med bay that the Tardis had moved just next door.

"I've never been allowed in the room for this", he told her with a slight panic.

"I've never been awake for this", she told him with the same amount of panic.

"One would think we talked this over months ago", he mused.

The monitor next to the bed lit up showing instructions on what to do. The Tardis was trying to help.

"Oh, my days. Thank you, Sexy", the Oracle breathed out as she laid down on the bed.

"You call the Tardis Sexy?"

"She is very sexy", she said before she hissed at another small contraction.

They both got a little more comfortable in their places, knowing that this would take a while and it would get uncomfortable, specifically for her. She grabbed onto the sides of the bed as the Doctor moved between her legs and looked up at her. He glanced back and forth between his wife and the monitor as he tried to figure out what to do.

"You know, when we've figured this out, we'll get the hang of it", he commented.

"How about we get this one out first, huh?"

They got this one out after ten hours in the med bay. It was a lot of back and forth of them thinking something was happening and then realising that nothing did happen so that by the time it was actually happening they almost didn't believe it.

Yet, here they were now, the Doctor had wrapped his arm around the Oracle as she held the tiny new Time Lord in her arms after he'd (well, the Tardis had) done all the necessary check-ups.

"Hi, Astrid, welcome to the Universe", the Oracle muttered and pressed a kiss to her daughter's forehead, tears in her eyes, "You're so beautiful, my miraculous star."

The Doctor smiled with his chin on her shoulder, "She's brilliant, darling."

"She is. We made a brilliant, beautiful person. Again", a tear fell down her cheek in a mix of reminiscing sadness over their past and joy over this new life.

"I never thought this possible", he whispered, "A whole new Time Lord. We just made one. They're all gone but here we are with a whole new one."

She let out a singular laugh and ran a finger down Astrid's cheek. She looked up with big green eyes and yawned. Their hearts skipped a beat or two when she did. He reached an arm around to have a hand on his daughter as well while he pressed his lips to the side of the Oracle's head. She turned up at him and looked into his eyes with all the love she was feeling in this moment, seeing the same expression in his eyes. He leaned down to kiss her on the lips, only pulling back when Astrid audibly demanded their attention back. They laughed.

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