Chapter 14 - The Unicorn and the Wasp

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The Unicorn and the Wasp, part 2 -

They were about to look for Donna when they heard her call out for the Doctor. They ran upstairs and found Donna in front of a bedroom door. She turned to them.

"It's a giant wasp", she told them in shocked anger.

"What do you mean, a giant wasp?", the Doctor asked with scrunched eyebrows.

"I mean, a wasp that's giant", Donna asked.

"It's only a silly little insect", Agatha argued.

Meanwhile the Oracle had spotted the wasp's sting coming out of the door, "Oh, my stars. It's a giant wasp."

"Yes, giant, huge. I didn't mean big, I mean flipping enormous!"

"Let me see", the Doctor opened the door to the bedroom, "It's gone. Buzzed off."

"But that's fascinating", Agatha said looking at the sting.

"Don't touch it", the Oracle said, "Doctor, do you have something to take a sample with?"

The Doctor took a pencil, scooped up some slime with it and put it in a test tube, "Giant wasp. Well, tons of amorphous insectivorous lifeforms, but none in this galactic vector."

"I think I understood some of those words. Enough to know that you're completely potty", Agatha told him.

"Lost its sting, though", Donna shrugged a bit, "That makes it defenceless."

"It'll just grow a new one. With that size, it's able to. It's not your average terrestrial wasp, you see", the Oracle told her and tried to start a ramble about what she knew about gigantic extraterrestrial insects but Agatha interrupted.

"Can we return to sanity? There are no such things as giant wasps."

"Exactly", the Doctor pointed at her, "So, the question is, what's it doing here?"

They walked back down the stairs when they suddenly heard a scream and a bang. Then they ran to make out the source. They found the woman who had found the body lying on the gravel, a stone-gargoyle on top of her. They kneeled down by her side to find her taking her last breaths.

"The poor little child", she croaked out and died.

Then they heard a buzzing sound. They looked up to find the gigantic wasp with a new stinger.

"There!", the Doctor yelled, "Come on!"

They followed him in running up the stairs.

"Hey, this makes a change. There's a monster, and we're chasing it", Donna commented.

"It can't be a monster. It's a trick. They Do It With Mirrors", Agatha told her.

They found the wasp in a corridor, squeezing itself into the ceiling, thus only showing its lower half.

"By all that's holy", Agatha breathed out.

"Oh, but you are wonderful", the Doctor smiled as the wasp came down, "Now, just stop. Stop there."

The wasp lunged at them, stinger-first, and they jumped out of the way. The wasp hit the wall behind them, leaving a scratch in the wood panelling. They were sitting in a pile on the floor and Donna held up her magnifying glass.

"Oi, fly boy!", she yelled.

It sighted the magnifying glass and started to retreat.

"Don't let it get away", the Doctor said and ran, "Quick, before it reverts back to human form. Where are you? Come on. There's nowhere to run. Show yourself!"

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