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He left her with her bigger-on-the-inside-pouch in London, days after the last time they'd visited Martha. She kissed him once more before making her way to Martha and Mickey's house. They invited her in and she moved into the guest bedroom.

Over the next few weeks she became a part of their life. She did chores around the house to show her appreciation for the place to stay, although they kept reassuring her that she was their friend and guest, thus didn't have to do it. She started to spend time with the Jones-family again and played her part as Martha's maid of honour.

She had fun at their wedding and enjoyed to spend time with the people she loved as a human. She danced with several people, had a bit of a longer chat with some of them and ultimately bid the happy couple good-bye when they left for their honeymoon.

She went back to their home that night and went by her normal day-to-day-life, visiting Francine nearly every day, meeting up with Jack for a coffee every now and then, and waiting around for the Doctor to come back to her with a new face and pick her up on new adventures.

One day, while she was pushing her trolly through the grocery store she started hearing the Ood sing. They sang the Doctor's song, making her grip the handle of the trolly tighter in support. She had known this was coming, still silent tears started to run down her face at the beautiful, sad song.

It ended and she took in a deep, shaky breath before wiping her tears.

"Are you alright, dear?", an older woman next to her asked, reaching her hand out, not wanting to intrude in her personal space.

She sniffled, "Yeah, yes, I just- Sorry, my husband just left."

"Oh, dear, I'm so sorry", she spoke quietly, thinking the Oracle was going through a divorce, "But a beautiful young woman like you will certainly find someone soon enough."

The woman smiled supportively, making the Oracle look up with a reassuring smile, "Oh, well, no. I'm certain he'll be back. He always comes back. We've been apart for longer and we always found each other again."

The woman gave her a wary smile, "Well, I'm sure you know best, dear."

She patted her arm and moved past her.

"He'll be back. Still him", she mumbled to herself.

She smiled to herself, put the pasta she'd been holding into the trolly and moved on.

/This was To Be Loved! I hope you enjoyed it and feel up for part 3. Synopsis and Cast of To Be Forgotten are out now!/

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