Chapter 15 - The Best Story To Tell

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This will be the best story to tell -

After showing Donna the chest she retreated to her room to freshen up, read the book and go to sleep in her time. Meanwhile the Oracle had decided to take a shower and get comfortable. When she came out of the bathroom in a loose white shirt, track shorts and fluffy socks, the Doctor was sitting on the bed waiting for her.

She stopped and smiled at him, "You okay?"

"Yeah", he got up and walked up to her, "You wanna go check now?"

She chuckled and took his hand, "Yeah, absolutely."

He pulled her along to the med-bay where the lights turned on when they entered. He looked at her with a bright grin before putting on his glasses and starting up the scanner.

"If you will have a seat, please. What brought you to me today?", he joked.

She chuckled and sat down, "Well, Doctor, Agatha Christie congratulated me and looked at my stomach. So you piece that together."

She laid down, pulled up her shirt and looked up at him, "Ready?"

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?", he asked with the scanner in one hand and the gel in the other.

"Well, you didn't. And we're in this together", she smiled.

He grinned, "Yeah, but you do the work."

"I do do the work. And I will be a pain about it", she warned him.

"I know", he chuckled with reminiscence, "I wouldn't expect anything different."

She impatiently took the tube from him and put the gel on her abdomen. The Doctor put the tube away before spreading the gel with the scanner. The monitor showed an ultrasound picture along with Gallifreyan writing of information that the scanner picked up from her.

"Four weeks pregnant", she read aloud.

"Four weeks pregnant", he repeated, "And look, there's our baby."

He pointed to a dot on the ultrasound picture and both of them collected tears in their eyes.

"We're going to have a baby", she whispered and a tear dropped.

"We'll be parents again", he put the scanner and his now foggy glasses aside.

She jolted upright and wrapped her arms around his neck. He put his around her middle and pulled her close. They both sobbed happy tears, repeating those words over and over again. They pulled back and stared into each other's eyes.

She chuckled through her tears, "Agatha Christie knew before we did."

He joined in, "Agatha Christie told us we were having a baby."

"Agatha Christie congratulated us on our baby."

They both started laughing and stopped to kiss shortly.

"This will be the best story to tell."

/I have no idea about pregnancies, especially not Time Lord ones so let's pretend I just gave the best possible description about how they found out about their baby, cool? Cool./

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