Chapter 23 - Journey's End

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Journey's End, part 2 -

Then, suddenly, they heard the familiar sound that always brings hope wherever it appears. The sound the Tardis makes when the Doctor was landing it. They all turned around to see her materialise.

"But that's-", the Doctor seemed just as confused as everyone else.

"Impossible", Davros finished with a whole different tone of voice.

"Brilliant", Jack disagreed with a bright smile.

Another Doctor ran out of the Tardis with a gun-like gadget and ran towards Davros.

"Don't", the original Doctor tried.

But Davros zapped the other Doctor with his hand and he fell and dropped his gadget.

"Activate holding cell", Davros commanded.

A holding cell appeared around the new Doctor as Donna ran out of the Tardis and picked the gadget up, "Doctor! I've got it. But I don't know what to do!"

Before she could figure it out, however, Davros had zapped her as well and she was blasted back against some equipment behind them.

"Donna! Donna, are you alright?", the Oracle called over but Donna didn't wake up.

"Destroy the weapon", Davros regained their attention when a Dalek destroyed whatever it was the new Tardis duo had brought, "I was wrong about your warriors. They are pathetic."

The Oracle stared at the new Doctor, connecting the dots in her head about what their plan was.

"How comes there are two of you?", Rose asked the Doctor.

"Human biological meta crisis. Never mind that. Now we've got no way of stopping the Reality bomb", the Doctor told her, glaring at Davros.

"Detonation in twenty rels."

"Stand witness, Time Lords. Stand witness, humans. Your strategies have failed, your weapons are useless, and, oh, the end of the universe has come", Davros announced.

"Nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one-"

And suddenly an alarm sounded, interrupting all Daleks as they tried to fathom what was happening. The Oracle lowered her head and smiled into herself before turning her head to see Donna fiddling with the controls she'd slammed into moments ago.

"Mmm, closing all Z-neutrino relay loops using an internalised synchronous back-feed reversal loop. That button there", she pressed a button and the Daleks started to panic.

"System in shutdown."

"Detonation negative."

"Explain. Explain. Explain."

"Donna, you can't even change a plug", the Doctor told her.

"Do you want to bet, Time Boy?", she smirked.

"Human biological meta crisis in both directions", the Oracle grinned, then her face fell to shock, "Oh stars, there's three of you."

"You'll suffer for this", Davros extended his arm again but the zap travelled up his own arm and he groaned in pain.

"Oh, bio-electric dampening field with a retrograde field arc inversion", Donna said, still flipping switches and levers on the panel.

"Exterminate her", Davros demanded.

"Exterminate, Exterminate, Exterminate."

Before they could get to it, though, Donna had switched the right controls again and they announced, "Weapons non-functional."

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