Chapter 9 - The Poison Sky

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The Poison Sky, part 2 -

"Alien technology, this-a way", the Doctor announced, his sonic pointing ahead.

Each corridor they turned the lights would turn on. Martha had let go of the Oracle's hand by the time they arrived in the corridor where the Doctor wanted to be.

"No Sontarans down here. They can't resist a battle. Here we go."

He led them towards a door and sonicked it open, the Oracle ran ahead, predicting they'd find what had happened to Martha in this room. She saw her lying in some sort of cot, a headset on her glowing. She immediately ran to her.

"Oh, Martha, you're alive. I'm so sorry", she took her face between her hands, not really knowing how to get her out without hurting her.

Then the clone-Martha pointed a gun at her.

"Are we supposed to be impressed?", she asked, standing up with her hands up.

"Wish you carried a gun now?"

"And here I was, thinking you knew Martha's memories, thus me better than that."

"I've been stopping the nuclear launch all this time", she told them.

"Doing exactly what we wanted", the Doctor announced, though neither the gun nor clone-Martha's eyes left the Oracle, "We needed to stop the missiles, just as much as the Sontarans. I'm not having Earth start an interstellar war. You're a triple agent."

"When did you know?", she asked.

"About you? Oh, right from the start", he started walking around, "Reduced iris contraction, slight thinning of the hair follicles on the left temple. And, frankly, you smell. You might as well have worn a T shirt saying clone. Although, maybe not in front of Captain Jack. You remember him, don't you? Because you've got all her memories. That's why the Sontarans had to protect her, to keep you inside UNIT. Martha Jones is keeping you alive. That's why you haven't shot her yet."

"Oh, lovely, darling, thanks", the Oracle rolled her eyes.

The Doctor pulled the headset off of Martha and as she jolted awake the clone fell and dropped her gun. The Oracle kicked it away and moved to Martha's side.

"It's okay, we're here, I've got you", she pulled Martha close and they both held on tightly.

"There was this thing, Jane. This alien, with this head", she panicked.

The mobile in her pocket rang and she threw it to the Doctor, still holding Martha.

"Blimey, we're busy", he said picking it up, "Got it? Take off the covering. All the blue switches inside, flick them up like a fuse box, and that should get the teleport working."

Meanwhile Martha had spotted her clone who was holding its chest in pain, "Oh my god. That's me."

The Doctor had taken off his coat to work on the teleport on the room and the Oracle had put it on Martha as she was only wearing the white patients' gown. She went up to her clone, still in pain but alive.

"Don't touch me", it croaked.

"It's not my fault. The Sontarans created you, but you had all my memories."

"You've got a brother, sister, mother and father. And her", it looked at the Oracle.

"If you don't help me, they're going to die."

"You love them."

"Yes. Remember that? You couldn't shoot Jane, could you?"

"The gas", the Doctor yelled from the teleport, "Tell us about the gas!"

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