Chapter 27 - The End of Time

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The End of Time, part 1 -

"It is said that in the final days of planet Earth, everyone had bad dreams. To the west of the north of that world, the human race did gather, in the celebration of a pagan rite to banish the cold and the dark. Each and every one of those people had dreamt of the terrible things to come. But they forgot, because they must. They forgot their nightmares of fire and war and insanity. They forgot. Except for one."

"Well, that's not dark at all, love. Can't you read something more uplifting? Or just enjoy the beach?", the Doctor asked as Astrid was reading out loud.

Astrid was now nineteen years old and had gone so many more places with her parents. She closed her book and looked at her dad who had just come out of the ocean. He had finally taken them to the beach.

"Were you reading another book about the end of the world? Don't jinx it, my star", the Oracle agreed and dropped down next to her on the towel.

"Mum, you're really cold", she complained and scooted away from her.

"If you had come in the water with us you wouldn't notice", she laughed and poked her arm.

The Doctor went past them into the Tardis and checked the monitor. Then he came back out, already putting his suit back on.

"Holiday cut short, mesdames. Off to the Ood Sphere!"

The women quickly packed up their things and threw big jumpers on before entering the cold Tardis. Inside, while the Doctor took off, they also each put on some trousers so they wouldn't get into the cold Ood Sphere weather half naked and then followed him back out. He had put his suit and trenchcoat on and additionally still wore his sunhat, sunglasses and a lei.

"Ah! Now, sorry, there you are", he called out.

The Oracle and Astrid followed to see Ood Sigma standing a bit further away in the snow,

"So, where were we? We were summoned, weren't we? An Ood in the snow, calling to us. Well, we didn't exactly come straight here. Had a bit of fun, you know", he shrugged with a grin as everyone just stared at him, rambling about, "Travelled about, did this and that. Had a daughter, have you met our daughter? She's great. Say hi, Astrid."

Astrid smiled and gave a short wave.

"When did you get this call, Doctor?", the Oracle asked in shock.

"Got into trouble", he just continued, "You know us. It was brilliant. Saw the Phosphorous Carousel of the Great Magellan Gestadt, saved a planet from the Red Carnivorous Maw, named a galaxy Alison. Got married."

"That was a mistake", the Oracle threw in.

"Good Queen Bess. And let me tell you, her nickname is no longer", he cleared his throat.

"I beg your pardon? Doctor, getting married is one thing but-"

"The Maiden Queen one, my days, Oracle, don't be so possessive. Anyway", he turned back to Sigma, "What do you want?"

"You should not have delayed", Sigma spoke, his translator lighting up.

"Last time I was here you said my song would be ending soon, and I'm in no hurry for that", he glanced back at his daughter.

"You will come with me."

"Hold on. Better lock the Tardis", he got his key out of his trouser pocket and pointed it behind himself.

The lightbulb on the Tardis blinked like the headlights of a car and made the matching sound and the Doctor smiled proudly.

"See? Like a car", he turned from Sigma to the women who weren't laughing either, then back, "I locked it like a car. Like. It's funny. No?", Sigma turned away, "Little bit? Blimey, try to make an Ood laugh."

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