Chapter 29 - The End Of Time

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The End of Time, part 3 -

When she woke up again she was tied to a girdle, tape across her mouth and propped upright, next to Wilf who was tied to a chair with ropes, his mouth free and the restraints not as harsh as hers and the Doctor's who was in a similar position to hers, but with bent knees as he was too tall for the girdle.

"Now then", the Master jumped and rubbed his hands excitedly, "I've got a planet to run. Is everybody ready?"

On screen the Master that was formerly Mister Naismith said, "Six billion seven hundred and twenty seven million nine hundred and forty nine thousand three hundred and thirty eight versions of us awaiting orders."

"This is Washington", the President-Master popped up on screen, "As President of the United States I can transfer all the United Nations protocols to you immediately, putting you in charge of all the Earth's defences."

A General-Master in UNIT Uniform took the screen, "UNIT HQ, Geneva reporting. All under your command, sir."

A Master behind a desk with a little Chinese flag on it took the place, "And this is the Central Military Commission here in Beijing, sir, with over two point five million soldiers, sir. Present arms!"

On screen the Chinese army was shown, every single soldier now the Master, performing their march with their guns.

"Enough soldiers and weapons to turn this planet into a warship. Nothing to say, Oracle? Hm, Doctor? What's that? Pardon? Sorry?", the Master moved from the Oracle, still processing her vision, to the Doctor.

"You let them go, you swine", Wilf spat.

"Oh, your dad's still kicking up a fuss", the Master told the Doctor as if he was gossiping.

"Yeah? Well, I'd be proud if I was", Wilf argued looking directly at the Doctor.

"Hush now. Listen to your Master", the Master almost danced between the three.

Then there was a ringing mobile, making the Master scrunch his face in confusion, "But that's a mobile."

"Yeah, it's mine", Wilf wiggled in his seat unfazed, "Let me turn it off."

"No, no, no, no, no. I don't think you understand", the Master waved his hands in denial and walked closer, "Everybody on this planet is me. And I'm not phoning you, so who the hell is that?"

"It's nobody. I tell you, it's nothing. It's probably one of them ring-back calls", Wilf panicked a little as the Master moved closer.

He started to search through Wilf's pocket, first finding the revolver, presenting it to the Oracle and the Doctor, before tossing it aside, "Ooo, and look at this. Good man!", he kept digging until he found the phone and read the caller ID, "Donna. Who's Donna?"

The trio did their best to look indifferent to the announcement as Wilf said, "She's no one. Just leave it."

The Master picked up the call and Donna's fearful voice immediately rang through, "Gramps, don't hang up. You've got to hear me. I ran out but everyone was changing."

"Who is she?", the Master asked angrily, covering the mobile so she wouldn't hear, "Why didn't she change?"

"Gramps, I can't hear you", they heard Donna.

"Well, it was this thing the Doctor did. He did it to her", Wilf looked at the Doctor, then back at the Master, "The Metacrisis."

"Oh, he loves playing with Earth girls", the Master moved closer to the Doctor and then back to the centre of the room, "Ugh!"

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