Chapter 8 - The Poison Sky

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The Poison Sky, part 1 -

The Oracle had crawled underneath the car to try and remove the ATMOS from there or take the car apart if she had to. Meanwhile the Doctor was trying to sonic the door again and Donna yelled at him to open it. Suddenly there was a crash and the Oracle saw glass shards on the floor. She came back up.

"Well, don't just stand there. Get him out", Donna's mum stood there with an axe and had just broken the windshield.

Donna and her mum started to help Wilf into the house and the Doctor gave them instructions to stay inside and protect themselves. Meanwhile, Jenkins drove up to them in a black cab.

"Oracle, Doctor, this is all I could find that hasn't got ATMOS."

The Time Lords turned to get in. The Doctor turned back again.

"Donna, you coming?"

"Yeah", she seemed deep in thought and looked back at her family again quickly before turning to leave.

"Donna. Don't go", her mum said, "Look what happens every time that Doctor appears. Stay with us, please."

"You go, my darling", Wilf told her.


"Don't listen to her. You go with the Oracle and the Doctor. That's my girl!"

Donna got in the backseat with the Doctor while the Oracle took the passenger seat. Jenkins drove them back to the ATMOS factory.

"Ross, look after yourself, get inside. And thanks", the Oracle told Jenkins.

"Will do. Greyhound Forty to Trap One. I have just returned the Doctor and the Oracle to base safe and sound. Over."

"The air is disgusting", Donna coughed.

"Not so bad for us. Get inside the Tardis, hold on, Doctor you've never given her a key", the Oracle said.

The Doctor smiled and gave Donna one, "Keep that. Go on, it's yours. Quite a big moment really."

"Yeah", Donna croaked and took the key, "Maybe we can get sentimental after the world's finished choking to death."

The Time Lords nodded, "Good idea."

"Where are you going?", Donna called after the as they ran off.

"To stop a war."

They entered the control room and the Doctor announced, "Right then, here we are. Good. Whatever you do, Colonel Mace, do not engage in battle. There is nothing they like better than a war. Just leave this to us."

"And what are you going to do?", he asked.

"We've got the Tardis. We're going to get on board their ship", he stepped forward a bit and tapped Martha's shoulder, "Come on."

They ran all the way back to the alleyway they'd parked the Tardis in. The Doctor and the Oracle gave each other the tiniest, unnoticeable nod when Martha asked, "But where's the Tardis?"

"Taste that, in the air, blah", the Oracle started, shooting her tongue out.

"Yuck, it's some sort of metal tang. Teleport exchange. It's the Sontarans. They've taken it. Her. We're stuck on Earth. Like ordinary people", he cringed, "Like humans. How rubbish is that?"

"He means no offence, sure, but he's got a point there", the Oracle shuddered.

"So what do we do?", Martha asked.

"Well, I mean, she's shielded", the Oracle shrugged.

"They could never detect her", the Doctor added.

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