Chapter 5 - Planet of the Ood

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Planet of the Ood, part 2 -

Back outside the Doctor sonicked a wire gate to get through the fence and held it open for the women who went through swiftly. He followed quickly. From above they watched dozens of Ood walk across the courtyard in double lines. One of them fell and a guard went up to him.

"Get up", he cracked a whip, "I said get up."

"Servants?", Donna whispered, "They're slaves."

"I can't believe humanity still explores such exploitive behaviour, after all this time", the Oracle added sadly.

The guard cracked the whip across the Ood's back, "Get up. March."

"Last time I met the Ood, I never thought. I never asked", the Doctor told them.

Donna's words mirrored the Oracle's expression, "That's not like you."

"I was busy. So busy I couldn't save them. I had to let the Ood die. I reckon I owe them one."

A man in a suit, followed by a man in a lab coat, an Ood and two guards made his way across the courtyard.

"That looks like the boss", Donna observed.

"Let's keep out of his way. Come on", the Doctor pushed the women forward and they moved on.

The women stop by a door as the Doctor kept moving, just before the Oracle tried to silently get his attention Donna put two fingers in her mouth and whistled. The Time Lords jolted and the Doctor came up to them.

"Where'd you learn to whistle like that?", the Oracle asked quietly.

"West Ham, every Saturday."

The Doctor unlocked the door and they found a large hall filled with shipping containers.

"Ood export. You see?", he pointed to a large crane working above them, "Lifts up the containers, takes them to rocket sheds, ready to be flown out all over the three galaxies."

"What, you mean", Donna pointed to the container right ahead of them, "These containers are full of-?"

"What do you think?", the Doctor opened the door of that first container and they stepped in to find several Ood standing silently.

"Oh, it stinks", Donna commented, "How many do you think there are in each one?"

"A hundred", the Oracle whispered, still looking at the Ood, "Maybe more."

"A great big empire built on slavery", Donna scowled.

"It's not so different from your time", the Doctor told her.

"Oi. I don't have slaves", Donna looked at him offended.

"Really? Where'd you get your clothes?", the Oracle frowned.

"Is that why you travel round with a human at your side? It's not so you can show them the wonders of the universe, it's so you can take cheap shots?"


"Don't, Spacegirl. I don't understand", she turned to an Ood, "The door is open, why don't you just run away?"

"For what reason?", he asked.

"You could be free."

"I do not understand the concept."

"What is it with that Persil ball? I mean, they're not born with it, are they? Why do they have to be all plugged in?"

The Doctor disregarded the conversation, "Ood, tell me. Does the circle mean anything to you?"

Then all balls lit up as all the Ood answered, "The circle must be broken."

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