Chapter 10 - The Oracle's Daughter

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The Oracle's Daughter, part 1 -

They all held onto the console tightly as the Tardis rattled and the Oracle didn't know what to do anymore.

"What the hell's it doing?", Donna asked.

"The control's not working", the Oracle yelled back and got thrown to the floor, seeing the Doctor's hand in its jar, "I don't know where we're going but his hand's loving it."

"I thought that was just some freaky alien thing. Now you're telling me it's the Doctor's?"

The Oracle got up, "Which makes it a freaky alien thing."

"It got cut off. He grew a new one", Martha told Donna.

"You two are completely impossible", Donna told the Oracle.

"And in this Tardis we love the impossible. Keeps us on our toes", she grinned.

Then the Tardis stopped. Donna fell to the floor, Martha against a railing and the Oracle into a jump seat. They exchanged looks, then the Oracle headed for the door to investigate.

"Don't you want to get back to the Doctor?", Donna asked.

"We can be back seconds after we left, he won't even have noticed that we were gone. Come on, the Tardis and the Doctor's hand want to go here so badly, we should at least find out where we are."

The Oracle opened the door and Martha and Donna followed. They stepped into what seemed to be a large tunnel, filled with junk.

"Why did the Tardis bring us here, then?", Donna asked.

"Oh, I love this bit", Marta grinned and the Oracle joined in.

"I thought you wanted to go home", Donna sassed.

"I know, but all the same, it's that feeling you get."

"Like you swallowed a hamster?"

The two companions snickered while the Oracle looked around. Suddenly soldiers entered and pointed their guns at them.

"Don't move! Stay where you are! Drop your weapons."

The Oracle moved to the front of the group and raised her hands, "No weapons, look, never any weapons, we're safe."

"Look at their hands, they're clean."

"All right process them, her first", he nodded to the Oracle.

Two soldiers grabbed her and pulled her to a machine that they pushed her arm into, "Oi, what's wrong with clean hands?"

"What's going on?", Martha asked.

"Something tells me this isn't about to check my blood pressure", then she squeezed herself against the machine as she groaned in pain.

"What are you doing to her?", Donna asked.

"Everyone gets processed", the head soldier told her.

"It's taken a tissue sample. Ow, ow, ow, ow. And extrapolated it. Stars, what's it doing? Some kind of accelerator?", she tried to explain the process as it was happening, still in pain.

It let her go and her companions ran forward, Martha checked the cut on the back of her hand, "Are you alright?"

"Oh my days, please don't", she stared the metal door behind the machine that had taken her sample.

They opened and smoke came out. Then, a young blonde woman in combat boots and a khaki-coloured outfit, her hair was in a ponytail. The first soldier walked up to her and handed her a rifle.

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