Chapter 6 - The Sontaran Stratagem

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The Sontaran Stratagem, part 1 -

The Oracle entered the console room in a white blouse, black culotte trousers and black Converse just as the Doctor hit the console with a hammer.

"I told you to stop doing that, just flip this switch", she stepped forward and flipped a blue switch, the Tardis levelling herself.

"Left hand down. Left hand down", he told Donna who was at the controls, "Getting a bit too close to the 1980s."

"Ooh, wouldn't want that", the Oracle shook and frowned.

"What am I going to do, put a dent in them?"

"Well, someone did."

"Said the man with the hammer."

The Doctor was about to defend himself when a phone ringing interrupted him.

"Hold on. That's a phone. You've got a mobile? Since when?", Donna asked.

The Oracle picked up the phone with a bright smile, "My favourite Doctor!"

The Doctor scoffed at her.

"Jane? It's Martha. I'm bringing you back to Earth", she could hear her smiling on the other end.

"On our way", she put the mobile into the console to get to where the call came from and took over the controls.

Less than a minute later they stepped out of the Tardis into an alleyway. Martha looked at them with a bright smile.

"Doctor Jones!", the Oracle grinned.

"My favourite patient!"

They ran up to each other and hugged tightly. The Doctor came out of the Tardis as well and looked at them.

"You haven't changed a bit", he told Martha as they hugged as well.

"Neither have you", she replied happily and they let go.

"How's the family?", he asked.

"You know. Not so bad. Recovering", she turned to the Oracle, "Missing you, Pop keeps asking about that boyfriend of yours and complaining about mum's cooking."

They laughed and stopped when Donna stepped out as well, confusion written across her face.

"Right. Should have known", Martha said, "Didn't take you long to replace me, then."

"Now, don't start fighting", the Doctor said while the Oracle pulled him back, "Martha, Donna. Donna, Martha."

"Please don't fight", Martha told Donna, "Can't bear fighting."

Donna smiled and walked up to her, "You wish."

They shook hands and Donna spoke up, "I've heard all about you. She can't shut up about you. Should have seen her face when the phone rang."

"I dread to think", Martha said sarcastically with a glance to her snickering best friend.

"No, no, no, no. She says nice things. Good things. Nice things. Really nice things."

Martha and the Oracle laughed again.

"Martha, I've missed you, aaaaand", she picked up her hand, "How is Thomas Milligan?"

"What? How? Who is Thomas Milligan?", the Doctor asked.

"She's engaged, you prawn", Donna rolled her eyes.

"Ooh, and he really likes you", the Oracle said, observing the ring.

Martha laughed, "His name is Tom. That Tom Milligan. He's in pediatrics. Working out in Africa right now. And yes, I know, I've got a doctor who disappears off to distant places. Tell me about it."

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