Chapter 1

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Nessa's Pov-

There I am lying on the floor dying, my sister screaming for help while shaking me to stay awake. I'm having trouble breathing and slowly I could sense my soul fading away. My sister then ran to call our parents and now I'm left alone, though I thought so.

With my blurry vision I see this guy approaching me and kneeling down to me. I saw him bit his wrist and put it to my mouth. I thought he was helping, instead he was forcing me to drink his blood which it was weird and then I blacked out.

Third Pov-

"Noooo!!!" They screamed when they saw her body laying there dead. They were gonna call 911 but she was already dead. So they started calling everyone telling them they're daughter was dead and that they were gonna plan a funeral next week.

Father's Pov-

"YOU!" I scream pointing at my older daughter who killed my little girl. "YOU KILLED MY LITTLE GIRL HOW COULD YOU. YOU MURDURER. WHAT HAPPENED?" I kept screaming at her.

"I'm sorry father I didn't mean to I swear. It was an accident, I-I didn't mean to. Please believe me." she said crying. "YOU KILLED HER, YOU DON'T DESERVE TO BE FORGIVEN. SHE WAS ONLY 17 YOU KILLED YOUR SISTER YOU HORRID CHILD". I kept screaming at her with tears pooling my eyes.

Nessa's Pov-

I wake up gasping loudly, wondering how am I alive. I look around me, finding myself laying down on a couch in an apartment living room. While processing what happened, I see the same guy from before sitting in front of me wich made me jump a little. "Hey it's ok, I will not hurt you." He said in soft voice. 'hurt me' ? You feed me your blood and snapped my neck and you think that's OK!?" I snapped at him.

"Look if I hadn't done that you would be dead right now so a 'thank you' would be nice." He smiled at me. "Thank you? You killed me!" I scoffed . "No I saved you. I saw you were dying so I turned you, meaning I gave you a second chance to live." He said.

"What do you mean turned me?" I said confused. "Your a vampire now, or in transition." He said. "I am a what in what now?" I was still confused. "A vampire, geez have you ever read or seen movies?" he said and i sighed. "And I will help you through it I promise. I turned you so your my responsibility."He said looking at me sympathetically. I go over to him and hug him. To be honest I was scared of this whole vampire thing but I trusted this guy, so I felt kinda safe with him. " So what's your name my hero?" I say smiling sarcastically.

"Damon, Damon Salvatore. You?" Damon asked me. "Nessa, Nessa Millers." I say. "Not anymore you're not." He said. "What do you mean by not anymore?" I ask confused. "Well now that everyone knows your dead you can't be known as Nessa Millers anymore." Damon shrugged as he sipped his drink.

"Then who should I be known as?" I ask him. "Salvatore." He responds smiling. "Salvatore?How?"I ask. "Look like i said before, you are my responsibility and so I will take care of you from now on and be your big brother. I will take you to my house where my little brother Stefan lives and you will be our younger sister and we will treat you like our blood." Damon finishes. I was a little shocked but he was kinda right and I would love to be with other people and having Damon as my brother could not be that bad so I agreed.

"Okay then big brother from now on I am Nessa Salvatore." I say smiling and hugging Damon again. "Welcome to the family little sister." Said Damon smiling and hugging me back.

"But first you need to feed, otherwise you will die...for real." he sighed pulling away and I frowned. "To complete the transition you have to drink human blood, and I will teach you." he said, noticing my concern.

"Okay." I breathed out nodding.


It was nighttime now and Damon and I were walking on the sidewalk silently. "So tell me about you? If we're gonna be a family from now on I need to know something about you or Stefan." i shrugged softly and he hums.

"Alright, fair enough." i chuckle. "Stefan and I were turned in 1864 by this girl we both loved. Her name was Katherine, and she was a real deal." he wiggled his brows and i hit his arm playfully.

"But how we turned wasn't pleasant. Our father was obsessed with killing vampires and Stefan and I tried our best to keep him from finding out about Katherine but my brother being an idiot he told father about her thinking he'd understand our love for her." he said.

"Did he?" i asked and he scoffed. I nodded. "He immediately took action and took Katherine away with some other vampires he'd discovered. Me and Stefan tried to save her, only to have walked straightly to our deaths. As we got Katherine out of the cage we were shot unexpectedly, if it weren't for Katherine sneaking her blood into our system weeks before we'd been dead for good. And when we woke up the next day she was gone." he said and I sighed.

"I'm sorry Damon, you and Stefan have been through so much." I said caressing his arm and he smiled. He then looked away from me and i saw to his direction. It was a guy sitting beside his car on his phone, he looked in his mid 20s and i noticed a girl inside the car.

She kept talking and talking but the guy just ignored her. "There's your lunch, now imma do it first and you see how it's done." he smiled and I nod.

Damon then just vanished as I looked around confused. The guy who was staring at his phone felt a presence as he stared around in fear. The girl who was sitting in the car opened the door and began walking away when her high pitched scream was heard and i see Damon biting viciously into her neck.

The guy terrified started running away and i smirked as i began chasing after him, without realising, i was standing in front of him looking at his terrorised face. Damon quietly walked behind me and whispered.

"Ok, go on. Feed." I lick my lower lip as i sank my pointy teeth into his neck, his screams ringing my ears. I drank and drank and it felt like heaven, then i felt Damon's hand on my shoulder and I pulled away.

The guy dropped on the ground, dead, and I turn to Damon. "So?" he asked and I smile. "That was amazing." i laughed throwing myself into his arms.

"Let's go, it's time you see your new home." he said and I smile following him to his car. I get on the passenger seat as Damon starts driving to Mystic Falls, my new home.

𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝚂𝙴𝙲𝚁𝙴𝚃 𝚂𝙰𝙻𝚅𝙰𝚃𝙾𝚁𝙴 , klaus mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now