Chapter 9

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Nessa's Pov-

After the talk with Klaus yesterday I thought of it and it's actually a great idea to join his side on this plan because first of all I don't like Elena and secondly I never really agreed to work with their part of the plan so making this deal with Klaus isn't that bad.

I know this decision with hurt my brothers and they will feel betrayed but I can't go back now. I love my brothers and I hope that one day they will forgive me.

Later on I get in my car and drive to the Salvatore house and play my part like Klaus said and stay undercover. I know I will be hated and not trusted anymore after all of this is over but I don't care, all I want is Elena to die. And if that means betraying my brothers then so be it.

After the ride I walk to the front door and knock. Then I see Caroline open the door, "What the hell are you doing here?" She asked me. "Uhh if you hadn't noticed I live here, dumbass." I say walking past her. "I thought you didn't want to help us with the plan to save Elena?," Caroline crossed her arms.

"I did, but I changed my mind." I said, as we were talking everyone joined us, "Look I know that my hate for Elena is doubtful but I realized that my brothers really care for her and will do anything to save her life, so I am including myself into this whole rescue thing and help you.

Not because the goodness of heart but because I don't want to send my brothers into a dead end. So I will help you and I'm sorry Elena for being a raging bitch to you. I hope we can start over and become friends." I said with a forceful smile. "Of course thank you Nessa." Elena says smiling and I smile back.

Ugh, I swear Klaus is gonna pay me good for this. Every time I speak kindly to them it makes me wanna barf but I hope it works.

Stefan's Pov-

It's weird how Nessa just changed her attitude towards Elena and decided to help us with our plan but, thank god her and Elena are in good terms. I have always wished for that. "Thank you little sister." I say hugging her and she hugged me back.

Damon's Pov-

Huh, it's so not the Nessa that I know to forgive Elena and deciding to help us and becoming friends with her. Suddenly coming willingly to join us without pleading?? Something is up and I will find out, but I'm happy that she is with us in this. "Glad to know your with us baby sis." I say to her smiling. She smiles back.

Nessa's Pov-

Ugh why are they doing this, they are literally making me feel bad about myself and my choice but as I said I am not going back from this ,I promised Klaus I would help him with this and I will not ruin my deal just because of some pathetic emotions that I have for my brothers. The thing is that my acting is working and that's all that matters. Now I just have to gather information so I can report back at Klaus and end this role play.

Klaus Pov-

"Are you sure about the girl Klaus? I mean what if she betrayes you?" one of my helpers says. "I know she won't, I just know it." I reply smirking.

The thing is that I know that Nessa won't betray me is because the hate she has for Elena Gilbert is so big she won't turn back from this deal. I can trust her, and I know that she trusts me as well.

𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝚂𝙴𝙲𝚁𝙴𝚃 𝚂𝙰𝙻𝚅𝙰𝚃𝙾𝚁𝙴 , klaus mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now