Chapter 2

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Nessa's pov-

After a week of traveling and 3 hours of driving we finally made it to Mystic Falls. It was so beautiful, the town was amazing and so were the buildings but I loved the clock tower. "Wow Damon this town is amazing, I love it." I say smiling. "It is sister. But you're gonna love our house more." Damon said smiling. "I can't wait. I also can't wait to meet Stefan and how is he going to react about this whole new sister thing."

I say being a little worried looking at Damon. I mean what if he hates me and doesn't accept me as his family. "Hey don't think that way Stefan is always friendly, when he hears your story and the complicated life you had he will understand. I mean it can take him a while to warm up to you but he won't hate you I can assure you to that. Stefan was always the good brother the understandable one." said Damon. "Ok." I said a little relieved.


Later on we finally arrived to the house and man it was huge. It was a big mansion and a beautiful one too. "Oh my goodness it's so nice, I cannot believe I will be living here." I say under my breath. "Welcome home sister." Damon smiled. I smile back and we walk to the door.

It was more beautiful inside this place was massive, I loved my brothers taste in decorations. "Okay sis make yourself at home, I have some things to do around town and will be back soon alright?" He said.

"Ok but what am I supposed to do alone until then?" I asked. "Well down the hall to your left there's a bunch of rooms so you can go and pick one for yourself and enjoy the tour around I won't be long gone anyway." He said.

"Alright brother have fun." I say. Damon smiled then walked out of the house. I start going around the house exploring the place and I loved it. I went to check out to pick a room for me.

I go in one room, it was so nice it had a huge bed and on the right side it was a bathroom and it was amazing. This room was like royalty so I figured that this might be Damon's room. I moved on the next room and it was much darker, it had a closet filled with books and much more decoration so I thought this ones is Stefan's. I really liked his taste on this room, it is nice to know my brother has good taste, I giggled to myself.

I see another room and this one was much different. It looked like no one has used it in a while so I checked it. It had a big medium sized bed, the walls were colored with light grey, it also had two closets and a big drawer with a mirror on top, a bathroom was on the side just like Damons but much smaller and there was a door on the right side so I went and checked it.

I open the door and see there were closets of shoes and clothes but they were empty. I walk back and close the door I really liked this room so I choose this one. I walk back to the living room and sit in the couch and get on my phone and wait for Damon to come back. It's been two hours and still no one came. I got really tired so I layed in the couch and fell asleep.

𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝚂𝙴𝙲𝚁𝙴𝚃 𝚂𝙰𝙻𝚅𝙰𝚃𝙾𝚁𝙴 , klaus mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now