Chapter 20

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Nessa's Pov

It's been a while now since my last visit to my brothers and I'm still upset. Nik thinks that doing the wedding now might take my mind of it and sometimes it does but then I remember, who is gonna walk me down the aisle. It should be them I can't just walk myself, it would be embarrassing.

Rebekah has been trying to comfort me and distract me a bit with all the brothers issue and I really appreciate that, she always tries to make things better and I love her for that.


I sit there in silence hearing my thoughts until my phone rang. I see who it is and Stefan was calling me. I couldn't believe it why was he calling me. But I answered it without hesitation. "Hey Stef, what's with the call?" I ask him.

"Hello little sister, it's been a while since we've talked, I thought I'd hear your voice to see how you were doing. And ask you when's the wedding?" He asked me.

"The wedding, why would care when it happens?" I say. "Because I want to take part of it. And I'm also trying to convince Damon to forgive you so we can both walk you to the aisle. I wouldn't miss my little sisters wedding for the world." He said.

"Even if she is marrying your worst enemy?" I say chuckling. "To me it doesn't matter, if Klaus makes you happy then I have no issue to go against it. I want you to be happy sis, and I forgive you." He said

"What about Damon, he's not gonna forgive me that easily?" I say. "Don't worry about him, I'll take care of him. I love you little sister, take care." He said. "I love you too brother." I say and hang up.


I smile to myself, I was so happy that Stef forgave me he always was a softie towards me and never stayed mad at me for to long. Damon in the other hand it's much more complicated.

He never forgets or forgives so I think for him to forgive me it's gonna take a while and some hard convincing. I just hope he listens to Stefan and finally settle thing once and for all with me.

Stefan's Pov-

I really need to convince Damon in to forgiving Nessa, it's been so long and he still holds a grudge to her. I'm gonna need some good words and explanation for him to finally forgive Nessa and go to her wedding to walk her down the aisle.

𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝚂𝙴𝙲𝚁𝙴𝚃 𝚂𝙰𝙻𝚅𝙰𝚃𝙾𝚁𝙴 , klaus mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now