Chapter 10

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Nessa's Pov-

Here I am sitting in my living room minding my business alone reading, until Elena gang walks in and ruines my reading moment. I groan quietly."Hey how is it going with everything.?" I ask them with a very fake smile.

They all sit down and Damon goes to get some bourbon, of course. "We were just in the Mystic Grill talking." Caroline said. Boring.

"Talking, talking about what??" I ask them.

They all sit quiet for a moment. "You all still can't seem to trust me in your plan aren't you.?" I ask them in disbelief. "Look it's not that we don't trust you, it's just that we think keeping the plan info to us for starters is a good idea. I mean you all of a sudden just come in and pledge your service to us like nothing happen and you accept us to just jump up the details.

No no baby sis I know you very well. It's so not you to just out of nowhere to start to become friends with Elena which we all know you hate so much. You who would want to kill her and the next day you say you want to help her live. I'm just finding it hard to believe you. But don't feel betrayed we all believe you, it's just not fully complete." Damon smiled and i roll my eyes.

"Alright fine, don't tell me it's not like I would care anyway. I am just helping you fight not add some ideas to saving your precious girlfriend." I say getting up and leave. "Hey little sister where are you going?" Stefan asked me. "Out to have a walk at the town park, the view is great." I say and walk out.

Damon's pov-

"Something is up with that girl and I am gonna find out." I say sitting down. "Can you stop being paranoid and just accept the fact that she is trying to help us with our situation." Stefan groaned. "Yeah I know she is trying to help us and I appreciate that but it's not like her to just help us willingly when she hated to in the first place.

C'mon Stef don't act like you don't know our sister. If she hates someone she kills it not helps them live unless she gets something in return or gets a price. She loves making deals with people to take down whoever she hates not plays nice and asks for friendship. I just want to be sure she is in our side, that's all." I say and Stefan nodds in agreement.

Nessa's Pov-

I go to the park where Klaus texted to meet and I finally get there. As I walk towards a bench I look around to see if he is anywhere but he is nowhere to be seen. I sit down and wait.

After a few minutes I see him walk to me and sit beside me, "Your early." I say to him sarcastically. "I'm sorry love, I didn't mean to keep you waiting, I was just a little busy. Tell me have you gotten anything from them?" He asked me.

"Sadly no, I asked them if they have anything planned but Damon is suspecting my behaviour. He knows me so well and he knows something is off with me. I mean he can tell if I am faking my whole act. And I know that he is not gonna let go and he will find out soon.

He said that they have come up with something but won't tell me because they haven't decided to trust me completely." I say sighing and looking down.

Klaus's Pov-

"Hey it's ok, your gonna find a way to get that information from them I know it. Just play your part and make it look believable so they can start trusting you and tell you their plan. I know you can do it. Just have patience and play nicely. Ok" I say to her softly. She nods.

It's so not me to be so nice to people but Nessa is much different, she makes me feel better and when I'm around her everything feel much nicer. She has so much influence in me and can change me for the better. And that's what I love about her.

Nessa's Pov-

"Thanks Klaus, I really needed that. I will go back now, I don't want them to suspect anything more then it already is." I say smiling and walking away.

I don't understand why do I feel like this every time I am around him,but it's a good feeling. I know that I can trust him and I like being with him. I hope I can succeed helping him and making him a better man. Even though he himself doesn't see that he already is. And I am gonna make him see that.

𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝚂𝙴𝙲𝚁𝙴𝚃 𝚂𝙰𝙻𝚅𝙰𝚃𝙾𝚁𝙴 , klaus mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now