Chapter 19

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Nessa's Pov-

It's been 4 days since my last visit with at my brothers and even how Nik said, it turned out to be another fight with them. I really hoped that this time we would come into an agreement but they just won't let go of the hate they have for Niklaus.

The wedding is in two days and that's the only thing that matters and the only thing I'm focusing on, me and Bekah have been busy on the decor choices and the venue. What flavor the cake and who is invited, mostly a thousand people are going to come, some possibly we don't even know.

Bekah was so convinced that she made this wedding big and no one can change her mind, me and Nik tried to tell her we wanted a small ceremony, but she insisted that it was huge.

"Hey Ness, which color do you like more, grey or black?" asked Rebekah. "Uh black." I reply. "Alright so, black venue it is." Rebekah smiled. "Yeah ok." I sigh.

"Hey what's wrong, you seem a bit off." she said walking over to me. "It's nothing, just that I remember how the conversation with my brothers went 4 days ago. I really wanted to make up to them and be a family again, but they decided to still stay put on hate." I say looking down.

"Look I know your upset about them but you don't need them or their forgiveness, you spent 7 years without them and we became your new family. After all these years they still haven't forgot about their precious Elena and also hate the fact that your marrying Nik. Your better without them, and I promise I will make this wedding rock so you won't miss their presence." said Bekah and I laughed. "Ok, now let's get on the invitations." I say and she nods.

Klaus's Pov-

Me, Elijah, Kol and Finn, all went to the tuxedo shop and looked over the finest suits for us. "Oh, brother you should of seen the way they spoke to her, such bitterness they had and couldn't even be happy for their sister." I say sighing.

"I know brother, I really hope that they would get in good terms but I guess they still hate us for killing Elena 7 years ago." said Elijah.

"I really don't understand what was so special about this Elena, she was just an annoying girl in between a brother bond." said Kol. "I agree, it was smart of Nessa to help you kill her." Finn shrugged. "Yeah but her helping me costed her brothers turning against her." I said.

"It will pass brother don't worry, just focus on marrying the love of your life." said Elijah smiling, I smile back.

I just can't wait to call her my wife and spend the rest of my vampire life with her. And I hope I get to make her happy and feel better after what she experienced with her brothers.

Damon's Pov-

"Damon can we just forgive her, it's been 7 years and she needs us." Stefan pleaded. "No Stef, she helped kill Elena and then goes to live with the Mikelsons and now she is marrying one of the worst of them. Why should she need us, she has them." I said waving my hand in the air and Stefan sighs.

I just can't forgive her even after all these years, her betrayal really hurt me and it's not the fact she helped Klaus kill Elena I don't care about that. What I care about is that she lied to me and the Nessa I knew would never lie to me and especially would never marry Klaus Mikelson. I will say that I may now have lost my little baby sis forever.

Stefan's Pov-

I really wished Damon could forgive Nessa, for me on the other hand I forgave her already. I know she made mistakes in the past but she is my little sister and I will always forgive her mistakes no matter what.

And I don't care if she is marrying Klaus, if that makes her happy then I don't mind. I just have to find a way to make Damon apologise and make up to our sister. I would love nothing more to see her in a wedding dress. And especially walk her down the aisle.

𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝚂𝙴𝙲𝚁𝙴𝚃 𝚂𝙰𝙻𝚅𝙰𝚃𝙾𝚁𝙴 , klaus mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now