Chapter 13

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Elena's pov-

"JENNA." I scream crying as I see my aunt get killed with a stake by Klaus. Then he kills the werewolf girl and then he signaled me to come forward and I went without hesitation. I already knew I was gonna die. And there's no point on fighting back. Stefan kept screaming for me not to go there but I didn't listen.

Stefan's pov-

I looked as Elena walked straight to her death,without fear in her eyes, "NOO!! ELENA DON'T PLEASE!!" I kept screaming but she didn't stop.

Klaus's Pov-

I watched as Elena walked towards me slowly. She finally reaches me and I grab her and bite into her neck,draining her whole, then she falls dead on the floor. But then I get this horrible pain and I see that Bennet witch doing a spell to try to stop me. I'm in so much pain I can't see clearly.

Nessa's Pov-

Me and Elijah finally arrive and I see that Klaus is in so much pain and I see fire everywhere. Bonnie is killing him and I need to stop her somehow. I tell Elijah to get to Klaus while I distract Bonnie and Stefan.

Elijah's Pov-

I go over to him and pick him up in his feet, "Brother, we're here. Com, let's go." I say "We need to get Nessa too we're not leaving her." He said. I nod.

Nessa's pov-

"Well hello Bennet witch, how's your day been?" I ask her smirking. She glares at me, "My best friend is dead, thanks to you." She said angry at me. I laugh, "Opps sorry about that, but I wanted to rescue my friend too from your death spell, so I guess were even." I say to her.

Then I see Klaus and Elijah signaling me to come and I nod. "Well this has been a fun chat but I really got other places to be, bye bye witchy." I say and vamp speed of with Klaus and Elijah.

Bonnie's pov-

"Don't worry soon I will get my revenge on you." I say to myself.

Klaus's pov-

We vamp speed to our mansion breathing heavily, Elijah went to his room to change and I was alone with Nessa. I know she is hurt from whatever happen today, but she hides her pain good. "Hey are you okay, love?" I ask her. "Yeah I'm just tired, can you show me a room, please." She asked me. "Of course, follow me." I reply to her and she follows me.

We go upstairs and I show her the room which is next to mine. "You'll be staying here from now on, until things get settled with your brothers." I tell her.

Nessa's pov-

"I don't think I'll ever come into agreement with them anymore. What I did really hurt them, and I don't think they will be forgiving me anytime soon." I look down, "Thank you for the room, goodnight Nik." I say to him and go inside the room. "Goodnight Nessa." He replies and leaves.

I need to tell him soon, about my life story. But I don't know how will he react. But for one thing I'm happy is that finally that Elena bitch is dead.

Klaus's pov-

I need to know what's wrong with her. I know she is happy that Elena is dead but something else is bothering her, like she wants to tell me something. But I won't push her for it, when she is free to tell me I will be ready to listen.

𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝚂𝙴𝙲𝚁𝙴𝚃 𝚂𝙰𝙻𝚅𝙰𝚃𝙾𝚁𝙴 , klaus mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now