Chapter 7

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Nessa's Pov-

So it's been a month since my brothers made me mad about their little crush but even though I'm still not over it and still hate that girl I forgave my brothers cause I love them to much and I couldn't stay mad at them any longer. So right now I am in school with Stef and every time we hang out that Elena girl comes and takes Stef away.

She just doesn't let me spend time with my brother and is always around, so are her friends. I don't know I forgot their names, anyway what's even more annoying is that we found out that poor little Elena is in danger and we have to save her of course.

There's this original hybrid they speak of I don't know never heard of him, and they say he's coming to do some ritual and sacrifice the Petrova doppelgänger since he missed his chance with Katherine because she ran away of course classic Kath, but now he is coming here for Elena. And yes I couldn't be more happy to hear that cause I don't like Elena but my brothers love her so I'm doing this for them not for her.

"So what's the plan, cause of course poor little Elena needs to be saved and we have to risk ourselves for her." I say rolling my eyes. "If you hate me why are you helping in this plan to save me?" Elena yapped. "Just to clear things out I am not doing this for you but for my brothers, they care for you and I for them, so don't think I would've not have killed you myself if it wasn't for them." I said.

She looks at me with fear and shuts up. After a while we come up with a plan which was to keep Elena on guard all time, and whilst other try to find this hybrid guy before he comes to kill us all.

Stefan's Pov-

"We have to find a way for Elena to survive this, and fast. Can we speak with Katherine? She out of all of us knows Klaus more then anyone." I say. "Do you hear yourself? Katherine really Stef? The bitch our sister hates the most that even hearing her name she goes crazy. If Nessa finds out Katherine is here in Mystic Falls and in a tomb what do you think she'll do? She'll kill her Stef, Nessa will go rouge and get mad at us again for lying to her. She just forgave us a month ago and now we are risking it again." Damon said.

"Your right Damon but right now this is the only way to save Elena." I say. Damon scoffs, "Are you seriously thinking about Elena right now. Is that all you can think of? Our sister is all that matters now not some girl you fell for, all you think of is Elena here, Elena there, what about Nessa? You don't even spend time with her anymore. I can't believe you brother? I really can't." Damon said walking away.

I actually felt bad now because Damon was right. I have been ignoring my little sister for always spending time with Elena, I forgot my little sister. I slap my forehead realizing I'm an idiot. After some thinking I walk back home to see my little sister.

Nessa's Pov-

All day, all day I am sitting here bored not caring what is going on around me. Everyone is freaking out about the whole hybrid guy coming to kill Elena but I couldn't care more.

"Why aren't you helping? Are you just gonna sit there and do nothing?!" Elena gloated. I look up to her and give her a glare and stand up and start walking towards her. "You dare speak to me like that again and you'll be dead before the hybrid dude comes first. Understand?" I yelled at her and she kept quite. I look around and everyone was in shock but I didn't give a damn so I just roll my eyes and walk upstairs and go to my room.

I am not helping my brothers save that girl to live another day, let that hybrid guy come and kill her. It would do me a big favour. To be fair if I ever ran into him I'd be my pleasure to help him.

𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝚂𝙴𝙲𝚁𝙴𝚃 𝚂𝙰𝙻𝚅𝙰𝚃𝙾𝚁𝙴 , klaus mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now