Chapter 14

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                               The Next day
Nessa's Pov-

I wake up groaning, only to see Nik in the room. "Jesus Nik, what the hell are you doing in my room. Staring at me so creepy?" I ask him. He stares at me for a few seconds, "Just came to check up on you. What happened yesterday really affected you, and I was worrried." He says looking down. I look over to him and smile. "I'm okay thanks" I reply. He smiles at me and walks out.

I take a quick shower and walk down and head to the kitchen. I walk over to the fridge and look for what to eat. I decided I want cereal.

I look for cereal but I can't find them, this house is huge and don't get me started on the kitchen where I can get easily lost. Then I see Elijah on the door step watching over me smiling almost laughing. "Don't you dare judge me ok, this kitchen is huge and I can't find the cereal box." I say rolling my eyes.

"I'm not judging, don't worry let me find it for you." He says with hands in the air then walks to the cabinet and took the cereal box. I get the milk from the fridge and a bowl and spoon.

Elijah's Pov-

I start making the cereal for her and I hand it over to her. "Here enjoy." I say to her smiling. "Thank you." She reply's smiling.

"So how are you feeling, since what all happened yesterday?" I felt bad for asking her but I need to know. She stood in silence for a second "I-I just don't know how to feel about it all. I mean betraying my brothers really hurt me and them on the process, but I just couldn't stay put and let some girl destroy my brothers bond and life, just like Katherine did." She says in a low soft voice.

"I have to tell you something, both you and Nik actually, so I need you two in the living room later so I can explain it to you." She said. I nod and walk out.

Klaus's Pov-

I sit here in the living room cause Elijah told me to come here cause Nessa was gonna tell us something so I'm waiting here alone, until Elijah shows up. "Hello dear brother, I guess this is urgent since you called." I say. He just looks at me and sits down, "Whatever Nessa has to tell us might be important and she said that exactly we both need to hear." He said and I nod.

We see Nessa walk in and sitting down facing us, "Thank you both for hearing this and being here. What am I about to tell you is very sensitive subject and no one knows about but me and my brothers, so I'm gonna need you both to keep this in between yourselves." She saids. We nodded.

Nessa's Pov-

"My real name is Nessa Millers and before all the vampires and my brothers I was a human girl with family issues. There was one day when my sister and I were fighting and it got worst which I ended up almost dying. I was in the floor, weak, then I saw Damon kneeling next to me and giving me his blood and snapping my neck. Later he brought me to an apartment and explained everything to me about the vampires and how he saved me, and how I was his protection from now on,"

I was in tears from this part because I remember it so vividly and it kills me to know how down I let my brother. "Then we went to Mystic Falls and we settled in and I met Stef and got closer to him, years went by and we became a family that didn't have the need to be blood related and accepted me as their little sister.

We have been in good terms forever and we never got in disagreements, everything was fine, until Elena showed up and ruined everything. She tore down mine and my brothers relationship and finally she payed the price. You know Damon always saw through me and would always know when I'm lying so the worst fear I had while I was in that position was that Damon would figure it out. But Stef always saw me as a kind protective sister that would never lie to anyone.

And my worst of all fears was for him to find out and get hurt by me. His trust being completely torn apart from his little sister, the one who he always believed and standed up for," I started crying. "And now all they see is a lying manipulative traitor." I finish as I walk off cause I don't want them to see me breaking down.

Klaus's Pov-

I was still in shock that I didn't realize she was gone, all her words sounded in pain and how hurt she was from betraying her brothers. I hope she passes this trauma and I will help her through it.

Elijah's Pov-

I couldn't believe what I heard, all those words and the pain she had. I was in tears throughout all the story and I was still in shock. I know she will get through this some day and I know for sure that Niklaus will be there for her. And so will I.

Nessa's Pov-

I can't believe for once I let out all my pain and shared my story after all that happened, I know how hurt I sounded and I know that whatever happens Nik and Elijah will be there for me. I am happy to call them family.

𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝚂𝙴𝙲𝚁𝙴𝚃 𝚂𝙰𝙻𝚅𝙰𝚃𝙾𝚁𝙴 , klaus mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now