Chapter 12

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Nessa's Pov-

I wake up and I have a major headache, I try to sit up but I get so dizzy that I fall into the floor again. My eyesight is blurry and it's hard for me to figure out where I was. But as soon as I see clearly I am in our cellar. I guess Damon and Stef found out my fake act and put me here as punishment. I don't think I will be able to even look them in the eyes anymore, after I lied to them like that.

They probably hate me and I can't blame them for not trusting me anymore.

Later I hear footsteps and I see Stefan walk up to the door, but he doesn't open it. "Hey little sis how is your day?" He asked me. I can't even look at him, "Go away. I don't want visitors." I reply with a weak voice. "Even after all the lies and scams you can't even look at me. How could you have fallen so far sister." He said dropping something to me and leaving.

I look up to see a small bottle of blood and I started crying because even after all the lies I've told he still cares about me. I can't say the same about Damon though, he got really hurt by my lies and doesn't even come to see me. I lay down in the floor and start drifting to sleep.

Next day I wake up by this disgusting burning smell beside me which ruined my sleep, when I open my eyes only to see Elijah on the floor dead with a dagger in his chest. I gasp and jump up. He is dead, they killed him, which means they probably killed Nik to. Oh my god, I was freaking out until Damon showed up.

Damon's Pov-

"You look terrible. Haven't showered much lately." I say. She glared at me. "Even in the worst times you find the opportunity to be sarcastic. Good one brother." She says smiling. "So you killed Elijah, may I ask why? Or was he in the way of your perfect little plan to save your precious girl." She teased me.

"He is not dead just in a temporary coma, he broke the deal and was gonna help Klaus kill Elena so we had to put him down. And for that consider him your new roommate." I say smiling and walking away.

I leave the cellar and walk up to the others, "So anything new on the plan?" I ask Stefan. "No, but we received a message from Klaus this morning. He threatened to kill us if we didn't return Elijah and Nessa to him." Stefan said and I roll my eyes. "Huh, now he has a crush on our sister, if that's wasn't what we nedded now." I said annoyed.

"Look we have to make this plan quick and decide on how to kill him before he kills us and fast." said Elena. We all agreed.

Nessa's Pov-

I am sitting here bored out of my head, with a daggerd Elijah. I wonder what happens if I pull it out, would he wake. But why should I save him he vervained me in the first place. He is the reason I ended up in here from the beginning, so no I won't pull the dagger of.

After a few minutes I hear footsteps again and I see her, Elena the idiot. I roll my eyes at her, "Clearly not expecting to see you. What do you want?" I ask her annoyed. "I came here to tell you that we won't be in the house for a while so don't bother calling." She says walking away.

I'm sorry who the fuck does she thinks she is talking to. She is lucky I am behind this door cause I would rip her apart leaving Klaus nothing left to kill.

Later on I get really bored and Elijah still is dead on the floor so I decided to wake him up cause I want to get out of here and help Klaus kill that bitch. I go over his body and kneel next to him, I reach for the dagger and pull it out.

I wait for a few seconds then he starts moving. I jump up and he finally wakes up. "Finally took you long enough, now let's go and save your brother." I say while breaking the door open. He looks at me and smiles, "Thank you,Nessa." He says. I nod and walk off and he behind me.

I don't care what happens today but that Elena bitch dies tonight. And I'm gonna watch.

I call Klaus to tell him I'm on my way, "Hey Nik, me and Elijah just broke out of the cellar and were heading to you. We won't be long, okay!" I say on the phone. "Alright love, but be careful. Things can get pretty ugly." He says. "Same for you, be careful." I tell him seriously.

Klaus's pov-

I really love how much she cares for me, "See you later love." I say smiling. After all this is done I am gonna a get a proper chat and drink with her, I'm not letting her go anytime soon.

𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝚂𝙴𝙲𝚁𝙴𝚃 𝚂𝙰𝙻𝚅𝙰𝚃𝙾𝚁𝙴 , klaus mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now