Chapter 18

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Stefan's Pov-

I am sitting here in the living room until I hear a knock in the door and go to open it, but when I do I can't believe what I see. It's her, it's really her after 7 years, my little sister in front of me. I am still in shock I didn't realize she hugged me.

I immediately hugged her back. "I missed you brother, so much." She said crying. "I missed you too little sister." I replied sniffling. I pull back and I see Klaus standing there. "Uhh what is Klaus doing here Nessa?" I ask her.

Nessa's Pov-

"Can we come inside and talk a bit. That's why were here and of course to see you." I said. He smiled, "Of course, come in." He said. We go in and sit down. "Where's Damon?" I ask looking around. "Damon is at the grill right now, he went since morning. But I think he will be back soon, I can call him if you want?" He said.

"No! If he knew I was here he wouldn't come." I said softly. "Nessa what happened 7 years ago was long forgotten in the past. I'm sure he will forgive you." He said. "I don't know he was pretty sad about Elena's death, and what I'm about to tell you might get you both angry. So I need you both to hear this, we can wait for him." I say and he nods.


20 minutes later Damon finally comes home. "Hey baby bro wha-" He sees me and freezes. I get up and smile, "Hello Damon, it's been a while." I say. "Yes 7 years is quite a while." He says. "I missed you brother." I say. "Me too baby sis." He says. I smile and run to him and hug him tight to my surprise he hugged back.

Damon's Pov-

I am hugging her until I see Klaus in my couch. "Uhh whats he doing here?" I ask her. She looks me and tells me to sit down. "So, you know that for the past 7 years I have been living with the Mikelsons, they gave me a home and treated me as their own member of family. As the years past me and Nik have gotten closer." She says.

"What do you mean by closer?" I ask her. "Me and Nik are getting married next week, and we came here to tell you guys hoping you were okay with it and let you know that you are both invited." She said.

We were in complet shock. "You are marrying him? Why? How can you!!" I kept screaming. "Because I love him,  and he has been there for me all my life for the past 7 years and he has changed." She chuckles and I scoff. "If you think I am gonna accept him as your husband, you are completely mistaken. You will never marry him!" I said.

Nessa's pov-

"To bad I'm not asking for premission, we just came here to let you know about us and to see you one more time if things ended up in a fight. The invitation will always stand, it's your wish to come or not. We are leaving now, it was great seeing you two again." I smile and leave with Nik.

"Well that was nice." said Nik and I started crying. "They still hate me." I say. "No, no, they just having a hard time accepting you marrying me. They hate me not you. I promise it will pass." Nik caressed my cheek and I nod. "Let's go home." he said.

As soon as we got back to our mansion we immediately started packing everything and return to New Orleans.

I really hoped they would understand and we didn't have to fight, but I guess this whole trip talk with my brothers was a bad idea, because I got hurt even more then the first time.

𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝚂𝙴𝙲𝚁𝙴𝚃 𝚂𝙰𝙻𝚅𝙰𝚃𝙾𝚁𝙴 , klaus mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now