Chapter 21

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                           *The wedding day*

Nessa's Pov-

"Are you nervous?" asked Rebekah fixing my wedding dress. "Very, but also kinda sad that my brothers aren't here today." I say looking down. "Hey, don't think about that. Today is your big day, just enjoy it. Okay?" She smiled. "Alright!" I smile back.

I really was hopping for Stef and Damon to be here today, but I guess Stefan couldn't convince him to forgive me. But as Rebekah said today is my big day so I'm going to enjoy it. I can't believe I'm marrying Nik.


Klaus's Pov-

"Nervous brother?" asked Elijah walking in. "A little, but mostly happy because I'm marrying the love of my life." I smiled and so does he. "Did Stefan and Damon show up?" asked Kol. "Nope, I've been checking the entrance and they're still not around." Finn said and I sighed. "They're not gonna show up aren't they?" I say looking down.

"Just give it time Niklaus, Stefan probably is taking care of convincing Damon." said Elijah and I nod.

Honestly I really want to have Stefan and Damon here on this day because Nessa would be so happy. I just hope Stefan can get Damon here so we can all be together.


Damon's Pov-

"Just give up Stef, I'm not going to that wedding!" I say walking off. He stops me, "And I'm telling you I will not give up to convince you to go to your sisters wedding and walk her on the aisle. Damon she needs us today, please!" He begged. "Look I know Nessa made mistakes but that's all in the past, I mean Elena was a bad influence on both of us and Nessa did what a protective sibling would do.

She just wanted for us to be happy and she knew that Elena would of prevent that. So I want you to get ready and we get on our way before we miss it, please!" He explains.

Okay maybe I was mad for to long but what Stefan said was a little true, and to admit I miss my little baby sis. So I got myself together and agreed with Stef and made my way to my room and got ready.

"Let's go to our sister on her big day!" I smile and he smiled back.

We get in the car and drive fast to New Orleans. I hope we make it in time!


Nessa's Pov-

"It's time." said Rebekah and I nod and exit the room. I go out in the balcony and see how beautiful the place was decorated.

 I go out in the balcony and see how beautiful the place was decorated

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Everything was perfect

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Everything was perfect. I started walking then the door busted open, "WAIT, is there room for two more!" I heard Stefan's voice. "We would like to walk our dear little sister down the aisle." Damon also spoke up. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I was shocked.

Damon came to me and hugged me, I immediately hugged back. "I can't believe your here," I whispered. He pulls away, "I would never miss your wedding." He smiles wiping the tears of my face. Stefan comes and huggs me too. "You made it." I say. "I did my hardest and convinced him finally, we're both so happy for you today. Let's go!" He says and I grab both of their arms and they led me to Nik.


They handed me to Nik after giving me kisses on the cheek. "We are gathered here today to unite in marriage these two couples. Nessa Lily Salvatore, do you take Klaus Mikealson to be your wedded husband, in sickness and health till death do yous part?" He said. "I do." I smiled.

"Klaus Mikealson, do you take Nessa Lily Salvatore to be your wedded wife, in sickness and health till death do yous part?" He said. "I do." He smiled. "By the power that was given to me I shall pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride!" He said walking away and me and Nik kiss passionately.

Everyone cheered happily.
"Nessa Mikealson." Whispered Nik and I chuckled.

Today honestly it was my best favorite day. My brothers are with me and I finally married the love of my life, I couldn't be anymore happier. After the ceremony we just had a big family dinner then Damon and Stefan went back to Mystic Falls and we all headed to bed.

𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝚂𝙴𝙲𝚁𝙴𝚃 𝚂𝙰𝙻𝚅𝙰𝚃𝙾𝚁𝙴 , klaus mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now