Chapter 5

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Nessa's Pov-

Me and Stefan arrive at the school after a 20 minute drive and start walking in. "Damn, I haven't see this place in millennia, but nothing's changed though." I hummed. "Yeah, same old school. Okay when we meet Elena please be nice and not sarcastic. Promise?" Stefan asked. "Promise brother." I say smirking a little.

When we go in I see the hallway but what I do see it's shocking. That face, that disgusting face of her. Katherine fucking Pierce. I start walking with anger but Stefan holds me back. "Wait no, no it's not her, it's not Katherine that's Elena." he pants and I look at him.

"Wait the Elena as in your girlfriend. Stef what the hell, really, out of all the girls you go and pick Katherine 2.0 are you kidding me." I scream quietly at him. "Look I know that you don't like Katherine but Elena is nothing like her I swear, just meet her and you'll see." begged Stefan and I sigh.

"Fine, but I won't promise the sarcasm." I said and Stefan sighs, "Ok."

Caroline's Pov-

"Hey girls, what's up." I say gretting Elena and Bonnie. "Hey Care how you doin." Elena smiled.
"So I was thin-..who is that?" I said looking at the direction of Stefan with a strange girl. "Do we know her?" Bonnie asked. "Not that I know of, maybe she is new." Elena shrugged.

"Yeah but why is she with Stefan, and they seem close. Look at them laughing and giggling." I said annoyed. "Who knows maybe she is a friend or cousin." Bonnie said. "No Stefan has no other family besides Damon, I never see her before." said Elena.

Nessa's Pov-

"Looks like your friends are full of questions, wanna easy it up." I smile. "Yeah let's go to them." said Stefan as we walk up to the chatty gossip girls to ease the questions.

Stefan's Pov-

"Hey Elena," I walk up to her and kiss her. "What's up." I say. "Hey Stefan how are you?" asked Elena. "Good, I want for you to meet someone, this is Nessa Salvatore, my little sister." I said smiling. "Sister? You never told me you had a sister?" asked Elena surprised. "He isn't supposed to tell you everything that happens to his life Katherine 2.0." Nessa said rolling her eyes.

Elena was shocked and so were the others, "Nessa I said be nice." I said glancing at my sister. "Sorry brother." She said. "Well now that you've meet I suspect that you to get along nicely, and please Nessa, try to not kill my girlfriend like you did the others." I pleaded. "Yeah whatever, it's not like anyone will miss her." She said walking away.

"Sorry about her she just isn't used to be around anyone else besides me and Damon but if you get to know her she is very kind, she's just overprotective over me. She doesn't want my heart broken again since what happen last with Katherine." I said. "It's fine Stefan I get it. I will see you after class." Elena

"yeah see ya." I said giving her a last kiss then walk off.

Nessa's Pov-

I was siting outside in lunch bored alone, then Stefan comes. "Hey brother glad you came, I was getting pretty bored alone here." I said huffing but he just glared at me and i sigh. "Nessa I told you to be nice to Elena and you did the complete opposite." Stefan said. "Oh comon Stef you really think I will be nice to her. All I see in her is the face of that bitch Kathrine, sorry Stef but I really can't settle being kind to her, just give me time." I say.

"Of course sister take all the time you need." Stefan nods. "I am going home, cover for me in the next period. I really hate math." I said as Stefan started laughing cause he knows I hate math. "of course, bye sis see you at home." Stefan smiled and I kiss him in the cheek and walk of.

Damon's Pov-

I sit home in the living room when the door opens to see my little sister come in. "Hey baby sis how was school." She gives me a glare. "Sheesh sis what happen day gone wrong." I said playfully. "Damon I seriously am not in the mood for your games I really had a crappy day and don't want to talk about it." She said sighing loudly.

"Oh comon tell me, did you got in any fights or got detention or something?" I ask her. "I meet Stefan's girlfriend aka Katherine 2.0, did you know that she looked like Katherine?" She asks me. "Of course I knew, I meet her before Stef but compelled her to forget. Personal reasons." I shrugged.

Nessa's Pov-

"Please don't tell me your falling for her to." I say in disbelief. He just looks at me. "Damon Salvatore". she shouts and i sigh. "Why brother why. Hah, it's like history repeats itself again. Wow I can't believe you and Stefan about this. I'm going to my room, don't try come there tell that to Stef too. I want to be alone." I say walking away.

Damon's Pov-

Sighing I call Stefan, "Baby bro I think Nessa hates us." I say to him. "Great." He replies. "We have to find a way for her to forgive us." he said. "We will Stef, we will." I reply.


𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝚂𝙴𝙲𝚁𝙴𝚃 𝚂𝙰𝙻𝚅𝙰𝚃𝙾𝚁𝙴 , klaus mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now