Chapter 8

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Nessa's pov-

After a few weeks we have ran into Klaus a few times and I gotta say, damn, for a very dangerous guy he sure is hot.

So my brothers have been trying to convince me to help them in the situation that poor little Elena is in but I couldn't care less so I kept saying no. They did get a little mad for me not agreeing to save their lovely girl but I don't like her so, better her being dead then have her around playing house boyfriend with my brothers.

I never got to speak with Klaus anytime soon but when I get the chance I will surely join his side because I want that bitch dead too. I know this decision with hurt my brothers but I cannot let myself be a babysitter for that slut doppelgänger.

                          *Three days later*

I am walking around the town park, alone in thoughts about this whole hybrid deal and ritual shit and how everyone is freaking out while I am sitting her in a bench doing nothing. I gotta say this attitude of mine is annoying and the fact that I won't help kinda makes me a jerk but I am not risking my life for some slut I don't even like. No thank you.

I sit there in silence then I hear something from behind me, I stood there for a second then I turn around fast to punch whoever it is but that thing catch my fist. As I see clearly, I see that Klaus guy smiling at me, "What are you smiling about creep?" I say as I withdraw my hand from his.

"Just admiring your reflexes." He said with a smirk. "Your Klaus right?" I ask him. "Yes, I guess my reputation grows big here." He said grinning. "Don't flatter yourself much, the only way your famous is because of how dangerous you are and a serial murdurer. And you think that's cool?" I ask him. "I suppose yes. What do you think? Am I as dangerous as they say?" He asked me.

"Honestly I find it hot, knowing your looks and your attempts, I think it's pretty cool." I say laughing. He smiles at me, "Your different Nessa Salvatore. I like that." he smirks. "Well since you showed up I wanted to talk to you." I say to him getting serious.

Klaus's pov-

"Do tell." I say to her. After she told me everything I was impressed of how she didn't care what happend to Elena Gilbert, and what her brothers thought about it but she just couldn't care less which was amazing. "You want to help me kill Elena, and the ritual?" I ask in shock.

"Yes, I want rid of that doppelgänger more then anything, even if it means helping you and betraying my brothers. I just can't stand there doing nothing while she plays with their feelings. I need her gone." She replied. I smile at her and nod in agreement. She smiled back and hugged me. I was a little stunned but I hugged back.

"You know now that I have joined your side I don't think they will let me stay with them, right?" she tells me. "No this is what your gonna do. Your gonna go back home and tell them your in with their plan and make it believable so when they spill the plan you come to me and we know everything about it. Understand?" I say to her."Hey I'm not gonna play your puppet."She snapped and I raise my eyebrows.

"We'll do this my way too, so no bossing around giving orders, wrong person for that old man." she said and hid a smile.

"And be nice to Elena." I add. "What no way, I'd rather bathe in vervain water." she said.

"You have to seem like you like her and help save her so you don't get caught."I said and she sighs. "Fine, but your gonna pay me back for this whole show I am putting." She says standing up. "Don't worry, I will." I reply with a smile. "Okay see you then."she says walking away.

After Nessa and I talked and got her phone number I got on with the plan on how the ritual is going starting with a werewolf. I think Nessa will be a good use for this plan and I really enjoy her company, interesting for a Salvatore to be that cold and badass but a cutie with a soft spot. I am starting to really like this Nessa Salvatore.

𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝚂𝙴𝙲𝚁𝙴𝚃 𝚂𝙰𝙻𝚅𝙰𝚃𝙾𝚁𝙴 , klaus mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now