Chapter 15

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Nessa's Pov-

It has been 5 years since the last time I saw my brothers and was in Mystic Falls, but to be honest I don't miss it. Being here in New Orleans is so much better. Yes there can be some annoying witches and vampires but at least not the ones I can't stand. My life here has been much easier and I had nothing to worrie about because Nik and Elijah were with me all the time. We've been living together for the past 5 years in a compound and it's a really nice one.

Tonight is going to be a family night so Nik invited all his other siblings wich I haven't met yet. Right now I'm in the French quarter and I'm walking back home from some grocery shopping.

Were having a big family dinner so we need a lot of food. Nik insisted that we compell someone to do the food but I insisted that I would cook myself tonight.

I finally arrive home and go to the kitchen and set the groceries down. I organize everything to be in place so then I start cooking.


I checked the time and it was 16:30, the others would arrive at 18:00 so I have basically 2 hours and a half to make everything ready. So I start
cooking. Pasta, Fries, Beef, Chicken, Salad, Peppers. Cheese, Bread, Drinks, and then I set the table with plates forks and glasses around each chair. I put some big candles in the middle for decoration and light them.


I smile to myself in how great the table looked and then I call Nik and Elijah to come down and it was 17:58 so they would be here any minute.

I see Nik and Elijah coming down with smiles on their face, "Wow Nessa this looks amazing." Said Elijah and I smile, "Yeah I hope it tastes good." Teased Nik smiling. I roll my eyes and smile.

We sit down and wait for the others. In two minutes we see three people come in, two boys and a girl.

Klaus's Pov-

"Welcome home my dear brothers and sister, how was travel." I say. "Good, some idiot wouldn't let me through the line so I killed him." Responded Rebekah. "Alright I want you three to meet our friend Nessa Salvatore. Nessa these are my siblings. Kol, Finn and Rebekah." I said introducing her to them.

"So you just picked some random girl from the streets and brought her here." Rebekah said and Nessa looked at her but didn't say anything. "Cmon sister don't be rude to her, she betrayed her brothers for me. I was in mystic falls to kill Elena for my hybrids and Nessa helped with Elijah.

If it wasn't for her I would be dead and Elijah would have remained with a dagger in his body so, rather you being such a fool and arrogant try thanking her for saving your brothers life." I said in a loud voice.

She was quiet for a moment then she looked at her and she just remained silent looking down, "Alright I'm sorry, and thank you for saving them." she said, and looked over me and smiled. "Now please enjoy the food, Nessa spent two hours making this."I said.

We all start eating.

Nessa's Pov-

"It has been fun knowing you guys but I'm really tired so I'll get to bed, good night." I say and walk of to my room.

Kol's Pov-

"She seems amazing brother and quite pretty." I said smirking. Nik gives me a glare, "Don't even think about it Kol or you'll end up with a dagger. Nessa is to good for you." Said Nik with a low tone. "And I suppose you are, I know you like her Nik it's really obvious. So try to get her before I do." I winked, "I don't like her she is just my friend that's all." Nik said and walked of.

Nessa's Pov-

I sit here in my bed facing the ceiling then I hear a knock in the door, "Come in." I say and Nik comes in. "Hey is everything okay." I ask him. He comes over to me and sits down next to me, "Yeah everything is alright, just my siblings were annoying me and had to get out of there." He said and I laugh, "Oh comon they can't be that bad, I really enjoyed my time with them, especially with Rebekah she is pretty fun to hang around." I say.

"You know being here with you and Elijah has made me forget all the bad things that happen in Mystic Falls and I thank you for that. You've been a great friend." I say smiling. We lock eyes for a second and then he pulls me into a kiss.

Klaus's Pov-

I can't believe I did that what if she hates me, I pull back, "I'm sorry Nessa I didn't mean to I-" I say and she kisses back, "Don't ruin it." She says and I smile. I push her in the bed and start kissing her again. Things led to another and in the end we ended up cuddling. "Good night love." I say to her kissing her forehead. "Good night Nik." She reply's and we fall asleep.

Rebekah's Pov-

"Hey Nessa I-" I walk in them sleeping cuddling and it was so cute, I took a picture and walked out. I go downstairs to tell the others. "Hey look what I found" I show them the picture and they smile in awe. "Brother did it, he got the girl." Kol smiled.

"Wait I thought you'd be mad or something." I said in confusion. "I just nedded to encourage him to make a move and it worked besides I'm dating Davina anyways." He said. "C'mon it's late, let's go to bed." said Finn. We all agreed and went to bed.

𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝚂𝙴𝙲𝚁𝙴𝚃 𝚂𝙰𝙻𝚅𝙰𝚃𝙾𝚁𝙴 , klaus mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now