Chapter 22

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Nessa's Pov-

It's been a week now since the wedding and I've never been happier. These few days Nik has been busy taking out some enemy's that threaten me and our children because we are Nik's biggest weakness so he and Elijah are taking care of them. I am in the compound alone right now since the kids are at school and the others are out.

Then in a moment I heard something, "Nik are you home? Kids?" I ask looking around but nothing happens. Then I get hit in my head and everything goes black.


Few hours later, I wake up with the biggest headache. I groaned. "What the hell is happening, why am I here?" I say looking around and I realize I was tied into a chair. "Oh, looks who's awake." said a voice from the shadows. "Come out so I can see your face bitch." I say. Then I see Bonnie come out."

"Bonnie, what the hell are you doing?" I asked her. "Remember 7 years ago, when you killed my best friend." She said slapping me.

"Seriously after all these years, you still hold a grudge to pathetic Elena?" I snickered. "She was my friend." She grunted her teeth. "And to me she was an annoying bitch who was ruining my brothers life." I said shrugging.

"The day you left with Klaus and Elijah I swore I would take revenge, by killing you." She said and threw vervain water at me.

I screamed, "YOU BITCH, Nik will skin you alive for this." I say breathing heavily as my skin heals. "Who cares, you'll be dead before he finds you." She says leaving. "I'LL KILL YOU FOR THIS BONNIE."I screamed.


Klaus's Pov-

"Love, I'm home. But Elijah had to do some work so we're alone." I smirked. I walk in expecting to see her but she wasn't around. "Nessa, love are you home?" I ask worried. I cheek our room but she isn't there either. I take my phone and start ringing her number. I hear the phone and it's on the living room but she still is nowhere. I keep looking around until I see blood in the floor, I panicked.

I immediately call Elijah. "Elijah I think something happened to Nessa. I came home but she isn't anywhere and I see blood, what if she's hurt!" I say worried. "Don't worry brother, I'll talk to Freya and she'll get a locater spell going on." He said. "Alright, I'll be out looking for her." I say and hang up.


Nessa's Pov-

I see Bonnie doing something witchy and I thought to stall her to buy some time until Nik get's here. "ezqueeze me." I laughed. "are you okay? You seem upset." I snickered and she glares at me. "Did you finally see your reflection on the mirror?" I chuckled.

She kept glaring at me. "Sorry, come on you can tell me." I laughed harder. "SHUT UP." she yells. "Hey I'm just trying to make conversation here, there's nothing bad about that." I smiled. "Well I want quietness to concentrate." She says. "But what if I just keep tal-" she uses her magic and snaps my neck.

Bonnie's pov-

"Much better." I smile and get back to the spell, the sooner it's done the better before her yapping family finds her.


Klaus's Pov-

"FREYA, have you found her?" I ask walking towards her. "It took me a while, I figured a witch might be cloaking her but I broke it and I found she is at a abandoned house near French Quarter." she said. "Alright let's go." I say and we all leave to rescue Nessa.


Nessa's Pov-

I wake up with a groan, "Did you have to snap my neck? For your information I have a really sensitive neck and it really hurts when you snap it." I say and she rolls her eyes. "What happend to you? You were so sweet and innocent back in the day, what changed Bon Bon?" I said sarcastically. "I guess someone killed my best friend and I stoped being nice." said Bonnie. "Ouu, did you cry for poor Elena." I say holding my laugh. "I will kill you right now if you don't shut up." She said.

"Wow, little Bennet witch has become dangerous." I say making a dramatic expression. "Huh, done." She smiled. "What's done?" I asked worried. "I finally finished the spell that can kill you." she says. "but why take so long for a spell to kill me when you can just stake me and be done with it?" I asked her." Because this spell can help me kill you and also help by not bringing you back by any other resurrection spell." she smirked. I froze.

"Bonnie please don't do this. I-I have two kids and a family who loves me please don't kill me." I cried. "You should of thought before you killed Elena and lived your life like it never happened." she was ready to kill me, then Nik, Elijah and Freya burst in.

"You've chose a good place to die!" said Nik vamp speeding and snapping her neck killing her. "Love" He came to me and untied me. "Oh Nik, thank god your here." I hugged him. "Are you okay?" asked Elijah. "Well for the part where I was almost getting killed by a spell which was for never bringing me back, yeahh I'm okay." I say sighing.

"Well the scary part is over let's just go home." said Freya and we nodded. "You always seem to get in trouble?" smirked Nik. "I can't never get a break from those cursed witches." I smiled .He laughed. "Don't worry I'll never let them put a hand on you." He said kissing me. I pull away. "I know." I smile.

     THE END


I honestly loved this story so much and I really am sad that it's over but I hope you lovely readers have enjoyed it. Bye<3

𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝚂𝙴𝙲𝚁𝙴𝚃 𝚂𝙰𝙻𝚅𝙰𝚃𝙾𝚁𝙴 , klaus mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now