Chapter 16

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Nessa's Pov

It has been 2 years now since I met the rest of the family and me we have gotten on good sides. We treat each other like family, Rebekah is my best friend more like a sister and so is Kol. Finn has the kindest heart he is like a big brother to me, always gives me gifts and brings me chocolates when I'm moody.

Elijah is always there with me when there's a boy trouble or any problems and he is an amazing brother figure. Niklaus is the best. He treats me like a king treats his queen, he proposed 2 weeks ago and it was the best day of my life.

                    *Flashback 2 weeks ago*

Nessa's Pov-

I was hanging out with Rebekah shopping for hours, "Bexs can we please go home. We've been walking and shopping for hours and I'm tired let's just go home and be done for the day." I say in annoying voice and pain. "Just one more shop and were done, I promise." She reply's.

Klaus's Pov-

"Ok is everything set, I need everything being perfect no mistakes or skips." I say to the butlers and the decor organization. "Brother don't panic everything is fine and it will all turn out amazing." said Elijah. "I hope so." I say looking at him.

"Hello sister we are ready, you can bring Nessa home now." I say smiling over the phone. "Ok, brother." She replies and hangs up.

Rebekah's Pov-

"Hey, we can go home now." I say smiling at her. "Finally." She replies sighing. After the drive we arrive home. "Hey why is it so dark here??" asked Nessa confused.

Nessa's Pov-

All I see is darkness until the lights come and I see the whole compound decorated and Niklaus on the middle of the room. "Nik? what is going on.?" I ask confused. He just smiles at me.

Klaus's Pov-

I smile at her and I see that she is confused so I will make this quick. "Nessa, my lovely Nessa, I have thought about this for a while now and I always thought that this moment could change our life and I mean ours. I want to spend my whole life with you, even if we are in each other's throat." She laughs.

"So what I'm trying to say is.." I get down in one knee, she gasps, "will you Nessa Salvatore make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?" I say with tears. Now she is crying too, "YES. Yes of course I'll marry you." She screams happy. I go over to her and put the ring on her finger and kiss her.

Everyone cheered mostly the loudest were Rebekah and Kol. And now we have a weeding to plan.

                            *Flashback ends*

All I'm saying is that I am the happiest girl in the world and soon to be Mikelson. Right now I am in the kitchen making breakfast for everyone, well for Bekah, Nik and Kol.

Elijah had some work to do in Mystic Falls so he won't be back in 2 months. Bekah and I have been busy these last 2 weeks making the plans about the wedding and even though me and Nik told her many times we don't want a big wedding she still is going extra.

As I'm making bacon I see Nik coming in, "Good morning babe." I say to him smiling. "Good morning love." He replies giving me a small kiss. "Get a room you two." said Rebekah coming in. "Oh c'mon dear sister is was only a small kiss, besides we do a lot more when we're alone." said Nik smirking. I slap his shoulder. "Niklaus please." I say embarrassed.

He laughs. Rebekah just rolls her eyes and smiles. "Okay who wants to feed?" She asks and as Nik raised his hand "Hey, I made food and bacon, eggs and other shit. Your gonna sit down and eat. Your not wasting my masterpiece." I say sternly and they both nod.

"So Nessa what are you planning for this week. You know since the wedding is in 3 more weeks." asked Rebekah. "I'm gonna visit my brothers. Tell them everything about the marriage and apologise." I say.

"You really think they will forgive you and approve you marrying me after what happen with Elena. Absolutely not." Klaus said and I sigh. "I need to sort out things with them some day. And I would want them there for the day I marry. I want my brothers to walk me to the aisle." I say almost crying.

"Alright, but I'm coming with you." said Klaus and I nod with a half smile.

I just need to do one more thing and that's meeting my brothers and tell them about my wedding even though for sure I know they won't approve because I'm about to marry the man who killed their lover girl. I don't know how I'm gonna do this but I will have Nik by my side.

𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝚂𝙴𝙲𝚁𝙴𝚃 𝚂𝙰𝙻𝚅𝙰𝚃𝙾𝚁𝙴 , klaus mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now