Chapter 17

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Nessa's Pov-

After 2 days me and Nik start packing for our trip to Mystic Falls. "Hey Nik have we gotten everything?" I ask him while getting out of the bathroom. "Yes, my love we've got it all and besides we only are going for 1 week we don't need many stuff." He responds smiling.

I sigh, "Huhh, okay. Your right. I'm just really nervous about how are they going to react when they see me and when I tell them the news about us. I just hope we don't get into a fight." I say looking down.

"Hey whatever happens I will always be there with you, and I won't let them get any pressure on you. We will settle things not fight. Ok?" He tried calming me and it was working somehow. I nod, "Ok." I smile and kiss him.

We get everything ready and get to the car and drive.


During the car ride I spoke "Hey Nik?" 

"Hmm." He reply's, "Do you think, after all this time, I could possibly be forgiven by my brothers?" I ask him.

"For sure it will take them time to forgive you but you can't except for them to just hug you after everything happened 7 years ago. But I hope everything goes well." He said and kisses my knuckles. I smile at him and continue our drive.


We finally arrive to Mystic Falls and pull over to our old mansion. We get in and settle things and go to bed cause we drove for 4 hours and we were exhausted.

Next day I wake up around 12pm and go down in the kitchen to eat something. When I go there I see Nik making some eggs and bacon, I laugh at the scene cause it was all burning so I decided to order some food out. I walk close to him, "Morning baby." I say kissing his check.

"Morning love, I was goona make breakfast but it burned." He says disappointed. I can't help it but laugh. "Hey I tried now we have nothing to eat, those were the last eggs and bacon." He said.

"Don't worry, I saw how messy and struggling you were so I ordered out". He smiles and kisses me. I kiss back and hug him. "Everything alright love?" He asked me. "Yeah, just happy and lucky that I have you in my life." I say hugging him tight.

"I'm happy too that your in my life, without you my world would still be in darkness and I would still be evil and untrusted. Thank you, my soon wife to be." He says and I smile brightly.

Later on we finally decide to take our chance and go to the Salvatore house and talk with my brothers. We arrive at the front door and knock.

Now I don't know what will happen after that door is open but I hope we can settle things out without needing to fight.

𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝚂𝙴𝙲𝚁𝙴𝚃 𝚂𝙰𝙻𝚅𝙰𝚃𝙾𝚁𝙴 , klaus mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now