Chapter 11

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Nessa's pov-

So it's been a week since all the talk with Elena gang and Klaus and his advice really helped. I became nicer to Elena even though I hated it, I added some ideas on the plan wich it seemed to be useful for them, and I think I gained their full trust now which is amazing. I still keep meeting Klaus in private telling him how everything is going and how they trust me now and he is impressed.

I am here hanging out with my brothers in the living room just playing around until Elena comes in and ruins the bond. "He is here Stefan." She says fast as if she was running all the way here to tell big news. And who is HE?

"Alright bring him in." Damon says. I am still confused of who their talking about but then I see this handsome tall guy with a suit, he looked ancient and very powerful.

"Elijah Mikelson, nice to have you here." Damon said sarcastically ."Glad you invited me here." He said with a smile.

Elijah's pov-

I walk in the Salvatore house to see Damon, Stefan, Elena and this girl I have never seen before. She looks beautiful, this must be the girl Niklaus talked about. I go over to her and kiss her hand. "I'm Elijah nice to meet you..." i pause and she speaks. "Nessa,"

"Nessa, such a beautiful name for a beautiful woman." I say smiling and she blushes slightly. "Right should we settle in and talk?" I ask them. They all nod and we head for the living room and sit down.

Nessa's pov-

"Alright, so we have it all planned out on how to kill your brother and you gave your word that you would help us. Right?" asked Elena. "Yes. I gave my word that I would help you kill my brother so Elena can live on her human life without any threat. My brother has done horrible things on this earth and I need your help to take him down. You have my word for it." He says.

I was so shocked, how can he offer his loyalty to help us kill his own family. Klaus is his brother and he is deciding to kill him. No way I will let that happen, I have to meet Klaus and tell him everything. "I'm sorry but I have to be excused. I will see you later brothers." I say walking off and I could feel Elijah's gaze on me but I simply ignored it.

As I arrive at the front door I get stopped by Elijah, "What are you doing, get out of my way." I tell him, "And let you tell my brother everything, absolutely not."said Elijah. He injects me with vervain and I fall limp into his arms.

Damon's pov-

I go to see my sister on the floor unconscious, "What the hell did you do?" I ask him angrily. "I did what I had to do. She was gonna go tell my brother Niklaus everything, including our plan." said Elijah. "No she wouldn't betrays us like that." Stefan denies.

"She made a deal with Niklaus to get rid of Elena, and she has been acting nice and gather information about all of the plan so Niklaus can know our moves." Elijah explained.

"Can't believe she would lie to us like that." said Stefan in disbelief. "Of course she would Stef like you don't know her. She always was sneaky and manipulative, I knew it something was of. I can't believe it I was right about it." I say in shock too because not matter how much it hurts to know my baby sis lied to me.

"C'mon let's get her to the cellar and keep her there until were finished with killing Klaus." Stefan said and we all nodded.

We put her in the cellar and close the door. I seriously hoped that she didn't have to betray us like that, but from now on I am not gonna trust like I did before because what she did was horrible and completely ruined my trust towards her and I don't think I will ever be able to forgive her.

Stefan's pov-

I really can't believe my little sister would do such a thing, I always have known her as a sweet little girl who was welcomed in a new life but she has changed so much these last few years. I don't think I can trust her anymore but I hope one day I can forgive her.

𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝚂𝙴𝙲𝚁𝙴𝚃 𝚂𝙰𝙻𝚅𝙰𝚃𝙾𝚁𝙴 , klaus mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now