Chapter 4

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                               30 years later

Nessa's pov-

"Wakey wakey little sister. Time for school." I heard Damon's voice booming in my ears as he walked in my room.

I wake up and let out a loud groan. "Ughhhh Damon get out, and no I'm not going to school I already went once, I'm not repeating it again, not anymore." I say as I sat up and looked over to Damon annoyingly.

Damon's pov-

I sigh, "I know you already went to school but in human age your still 17 so you have to go to school like Stefan. He repeated school so many times just not to get suspicious form others. Sis you have to go to school." I say.

Nessa is the most stubborn person ever she is just like me and there's no difference between us. Which is also very annoying to Stefan for having two siblings who are the same.

"Fine. I'll go to school, geez Damon. Now get out so I can change." she said and i smiled walking out.

Stefan's Pov-

"Good morning little sister." I say smiling. "Good morning brother." She replies smiling back. Ever since Nessa came to our life everything has been better. She always makes us laugh and forget about the bad parts of our past, comforts us when we tell her what happend to us with father and Katherine and she hates her just like we do. I never thought I would love anyone in the world like my little sister she is my everything and my responsibility. I can never lose her.

Nessa's Pov-

"You know you never told me you had a girlfriend, especially after what happen with that bitch Katherine. I thought you'd be scarred for life." I say laughing. "Well this one is different, she is kind and pure, and is nothing like Katherine. I promise." he said and I scoff.

"Okay, if you say so but if she breaks your heart don't think I won't rip her hear out. I know how much you'll get hurt and I can't handle seeing you like that, so make sure she is the right one brother." I said shrugging. "I know." Stefan smiled.

Me and Stefan have become close for the past years and I love him and can't see him getting hurt for him the exact. When I heard what Katherine did to him and Damon I hated her and wanted to kill her but she isn't anywhere to be found but that doesn't mean I can't hold a grudge. I just hope this new girlfriend of Stefan doesn't do the same or I swear she will have death in my hands.

Stefan's Pov-

"C'mon let's go to school, we can't be late in the first day." I said. "Yeah your right, let's go." She replied.

We walked to the car and headed to school.

𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝚂𝙴𝙲𝚁𝙴𝚃 𝚂𝙰𝙻𝚅𝙰𝚃𝙾𝚁𝙴 , klaus mikaelson Where stories live. Discover now