Chapter 1 Wave After Wave

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"I need you to go overseas."

That life-changing sentence echoed in the vast office that they were seated in.

So taken aback by the sudden news, Hyun Bin had to do a double-take as a rather lost 'what?' escaped his mouth.

Clearing his throat, Hyun Bin barely managed to get a grasp of himself as he straightened up slightly in his seat. "Why do I need to go overseas, abeoji?"

"You remember VASTeam, correct?" His abeoji checked.

"Ne. That's our headquarters in Singapore." Hyun Bin nodded his head.

"They aren't doing well. The new CEO is coming in next month but even then, we need someone on the ground to train him." His abeoji explained as clearly as possible.

"And CEO Kang can't do it because..."

Hyun Bin knew exactly why but he refused to acknowledge that because it was the only way he knew to prolong the inevitable nomination.

"VASTeam functions differently, as you should be aware. CEO Kang wouldn't know where to begin. Normally, I would go but I am due for a business trip in Los Angeles during that time."

"Right. And what is this timeframe we're looking at?"

"6 months."

Hyun Bin's eyes widened by a fraction then as his mind whirled with a billion thoughts. 6 months?

So much can happen in 6 months.

In 6 months, he fell in love with the most amazing woman in the whole wide world.

In 6 months, their princess became part of their lives – even when he didn't know it yet.

But in 6 months, he also lost his angel to Tae Joo's grand scheme involving her twin and her eomeoni.

6 months is a long time...

And while he was certain that their lives would no longer be filled with such heart-breaking drama, Hyun Bin still couldn't bear to think of parting with his family for the 6 months.

They were his world. Why would any man willingly part with such warmth and love that he yearned for since he was a child?

There's his wife to think about. There are their children to think about too. Hyun Bin was no longer the man who could throw down everything at command to take on a project overseas.

"Abeoji, 6 months is too long. Jeong Eun and Eun Ae may be fine but Ki Rai is two. She's at the age where she needs both her parents to be there. And my wife? I can't imagine how tired she will be if she has to juggle work and our children alone." Hyun Bin shared his concerns.

His abeoji sighed heavily, pinching the bridge of his nose in the process. He had expected this. And truly, he couldn't blame his son for feeling that way. This was why he was reluctant to ask his son in the first place. Yet, they didn't have much of a choice.

It was just wave after wave of bad news and the sooner they settle this, the sooner their lives could go back to normal.

Seated opposite him, Hyun Bin could tell that his father only came to him because he was the last option. From the grave lines on his abeoji's face to his heavy sighs, Hyun Bin knew. It had to be him, and they had to find a way to make this work.

"I'm sorry, adeul. It pains me to say this, but we don't have much of a choice. We could hire a nanny to help if it's too much for Ye Jin." His abeoji suggested.

Shaking his head, Hyun Bin shot down his father's suggestion. "Aniyo, Ye Jin and I agreed that we didn't want to rely on a nanny. We want to be there for our children."

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