Chapter 3 The Great Negotiation

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"Eomma, I have a proposition to make."

"Hang on, monkey. That's a big word. What is this proposition?"

It was a day before White Day, a day where Korean men gifted something to their special someone in a reciprocal gesture of what they received from their lover on Valentines' Day. Typical gifts include chocolates, flowers, stuffed bears...the usual.

But that still doesn't explain why Jeong Eun was currently standing in front of his eomma in the garden with his piggy bank clenched tightly in his hands. And of course, that doesn't explain why he was making a proposition either.

Just as Ye Jin said, it was a big word for their 6-year-old.

"I have 100000 won here, eomma. I want to buy a bouquet of flowers from you." Jeong Eun put forth his proposition.

"Sweetie, whatever for?" Ye Jin was clearly confused because of the lack of context she was getting from their son.

"White Day is coming and...I-I want to give a bouquet to someone." Jeong Eun kicked at the ground shyly, the tips of his ears turning lobster red instantly.

Just like that, Ye Jin knew exactly what their precious son was planning. This must have something to do with Tae Rin.

Squatting in front of their son, Ye Jin held Jeong Eun's free hand lightly, smiling at him gently to assure him that she understood.

"You don't have to pay me, monkey. Of course, you can pick some flowers from the garden."

"But appa said I have to earn it for it to be meaningful..." Jeong Eun pouted, clearly unhappy with his mother's proposal.

"Did he now?" Ye Jin's eyebrows shot up in slight disbelief.

What was Hyun Bin preaching to their son this time?

Now, before we continue with this conversation, we must go back to a day before which was when this conversation between Hyun Bin and Jeong Eun took place.

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One day back


"Hmm, too extravagant." The man's deep tenor reverberated around the common room.


"Colours are there, peonies...yes. Perfect."

Add to cart.

"Maybe some seeds too. Yes, Jinnie would love those." The man thought to himself as he continued to swipe through the items on his iPad.

White Day was coming up and that meant Hyun Bin had been busy hunting down the best present he could give his wife. On Valentines' Day, she had brought him out on a drive, taking him to all the spots he wanted to go to. Thankfully, his parents were more than willing to watch their children and they were grateful for the quality time together.

So lost in his thoughts, Hyun Bin wasn't aware that Jeong Eun had been watching him until he felt a small hand pat his arm firmly. Looking up, the father smiled as he tilted his head to the side slightly in wonderment.

"What is it, little tyke?"

"Appa, do you think you can buy an extra bouquet? I want to give it to someone..." Jeong Eun spoke eloquently, only getting shy at the mention of his crush.

Studying his son contemplatively, Hyun Bin was just about to agree when he had a eureka moment. This was the perfect opportunity for another lesson.

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