Chapter 4 White Day

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"Annyeong, Tae Rin! Remember me? We-, that's too direct."

Shaking his head, Jeong Eun smiled again, this time with his eyes in their teeny crescent moons as he played with the chain around his neck.

"Annyeong, Tae Rin. Have you been well? I missed you."

"This is so hard!" Jeong Eun facepalmed when he still couldn't figure out what to say to Tae Rin later.

Standing in their bathroom, Jeong Eun was literally practising his speech in front of the mirror, trying to find the right words and the right facial expressions to use so that he wouldn't scare his crush away.

Judging from how Jeong Eun was fiddling with the bronze necklace hanging loosely around his neck, the boy was nervous. Incredibly so.

And the more nervous he felt, the more exaggerated his facial expressions became. It started with his usual smile; one that you would fall hard for because it was that charming.

This was a smile that would give Prince Charming, and even his father, a run for their money.

It continued with the addition of the eye smiles frequently seen on his mother's face and truly, the boy looked incredibly huggable smiling into the mirror so endearingly.

This was a smile that would give his mother a run for her money.

It was the next two smiles that would probably have everyone scratching their heads or even laughing out loud. In a way, Jeong Eun would make a great child actor because of how over the top his expressions were.

The next smile that graced his face was one that held a strong resemblance to the heart-eyed emoji. That exaggerated dreamy look on Jeong Eun's face as he pressed his lips together in a small smile was one that nobody in the family had seen before. 

Yet, the boy was still effortlessly handsome despite the rather cartoon-character worthy smile.

And finally, his last try saw Jeong Eun tucking his chin in as he gave his reflection the biggest smile he could muster. Except this time, he looked as though he was dying inside bit by bit.

Perhaps he was because Jeong Eun has never felt this doubtful of himself

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Perhaps he was because Jeong Eun has never felt this doubtful of himself. But then again, Jeong Eun has never had a crush on anyone before this.

"Tae Rin-ah, do you like flowers? I have something for you." Jeong Eun tried for the umpteenth time.

But it still wasn't good enough...

Dejected, Jeong Eun's shoulders slumped forwards as he took a good look in the mirror with a sad smile on his face. Little did he know, his father had been watching him for the last minute.

Hyun Bin didn't want to pry but he accidentally chanced upon their son practising his speech to his first crush. However, it was a choice that he stayed, just to see if Jeong Eun needed a push in the right direction. That was why when he saw how disappointed Jeong Eun was with himself, he quickly stepped in to help.

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