Chapter 20 Once Upon a Time

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"Once upon a time..." Halabeoji began as the children gathered around him, bright-eyed with anticipation over the promise of another adventure.

After all, Halabeoji was everybody's favourite storyteller.

Smiling to herself, Ye Jin placed a tray of snacks and drinks on the table before she joined their little ones. Ki Rai clambered onto her lap the minute she sat down, and the loving mother hugged their littlest princess as they listened to Halabeoji's tale.

They were all on the veranda together, away from the splintering afternoon sun but close enough to nature that they were all relaxed. The fuzziness of the midday heat gradually warmed them until one by one, the children fell asleep.

Jeong Eun was the last to succumb to the sleepiness of the afternoon, and Halabeoji chuckled when their little man slumped against his leg after attempting to fight sleep for the umpteenth time.

Just like that, all was quiet.

It would seem that even their pup was fast asleep, having exhausted her energy frolicking amongst the flowers in their garden.

On an afternoon like this one, peace prevailed.

"The story was lovely, Halabeoji." Ye Jin smiled sweetly as she picked Jeong Eun up from the ground.

"It's about time you took a break, child," Halabeoji spoke kindly, his eyes twinkling knowingly.

And indeed, this was Ye Jin's much-needed reprieve from everything ever since Hyun Bin left for Singapore again.

She loves their children, but there hasn't been a minute where they have left her alone ever since Hyun Bin departed.

Times, when they were napping together, were rare to come by and Ye Jin was grateful that she finally had time to organise her thoughts.

Hyun Bin was due to come home soon and indeed, the past few weeks have been...more than tolerable. It was almost as if they were all used to this new grind, and somehow, Ye Jin recalled the saying "the third time's the charm".

Three weeks flew by just like that, and as always, life has been nothing but jam-packed with memories that would no doubt make up the story of their life.

For starters, Jeong Eun recently got into gardening.

For a child as bright and intelligent as he was, it wasn't easy to find an activity that could interest him for long and satisfy his drive to learn.

Gardening seemed like an obvious choice that took a little while to surface in their son's mind. After all, in their household, gardening has always been Ye Jin's hobby. But, the mother was more than happy to teach Jeong Eun what she has long mastered.

It made for a lovely mother-son bonding time, but it was also one of the reasons why Ye Jin has less "me time" these days.

Regardless, being able to experience the pure joy on Jeong Eun's face first-hand will always be worth it. Besides, Ye Jin adores and cherishes some of the memories they have made together.

Just the other day, they had spent the hour simply relaxing by the veranda, enjoying watermelon juice and mango together. Their son filled her afternoon with the most hilarious stories until things got quieter when he mentioned Tae Rin.

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