Chapter 22 The Right of Passage

439 31 19

Songs for this chapter: Marjorie by Taylor Swift, Visiting Hours by Ed Sheeran

CW: You probably know what's going to happen...prepare tissues


A Ticking Bomb 10:00 AM

Incheon International Airport, Flight MSTeam

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Incheon International Airport. Local time is..."

The minute the announcement came on, Hyun Bin frantically switched on his phone.

A few seconds later, his eyes were busy scanning his inbox, searching for any updates or any changes to Halabeoji's condition.

Whether it was a blessing or a curse, Halabeoji's condition neither improved nor worsened during his two thousand, nine hundred and one-mile haul back home.

Still, Hyun Bin worried.

With a palpitating heart, Hyun Bin quickly sent a text to inform Ye Jin of his arrival, to which she responded with a "See you soon".

Indeed, he would be there with her.


"On behalf of MSTeam Airlines and the entire crew, I'd like to thank you for joining us on this trip. We are looking forward to seeing you on board again in the future. Have a nice stay!"


The minute the "Fasten Seatbelt" sign was off, Hyun Bin was out of his seat.

A few seconds later, he was ready to exit the plane with his bag in one hand and his phone in the other. Even in panic, the man was simply pristine with his hair swept to one side and with his coat slung casually over one arm.

The flight attendant certainly had her job cut out for her as she tried to contain her admiration when she greeted him. "Mr Hyun, let me escort you out."

Wordlessly, Hyun Bin followed the lady out of the plane where he proceeded to rush off with an apparent frown etched upon his face. The man was determined to get out of the airport in record time to be by his family's side again.

They needed one another now more than ever. It simply didn't sit right with him that he wasn't able to be there for them right from the get-go. That feeling of helplessness only pushed him on as he sped his way through the security checks and the bustling crowds of travellers and their stray luggage.

To anyone he may have passed, it was obvious that this was a man who had a place to be. Thankfully, nobody dared get in his way.

Skipping the conveyor belt, Hyun Bin slipped past the automated doors and scanned the chaos of the airport. Amidst the unseen faces hustling to their loved ones, the tearful eyes and the warm welcome from friends and relatives alike, Hyun Bin located his secretary before the man could even utter a word.

"Welcome back, Chairman Hyun. Let me get that for you." His secretary offered to carry his bag.

"Aniyo, I don't have time. Let's head to the hospital." Hyun Bin spoke curtly. "Please lead the way."

As I said, this was a man who was determined to be by his family's side. Every second was too precious to him and he refused to waste it idly on such menial pleasantries.

Just like that, they were off to the hospital where Ye Jin was waiting.

Where Halabeoji was waiting.

"Your parents and your brother's flight departed from Africa this morning. I booked the earliest flight back as requested." Hyun Bin's secretary informed him on the drive to the hospital.

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