Chapter 7 Torrential Tears

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Torrential rain.

Defined by the extreme pouring of rain and turbulent thunderstorms. One would probably be soaked in less than three seconds if they ever walked in torrential rain.

Looking at the man seated in First Class, surely the tears pouring down his face could be described as torrential too.

Hyun Bin knew he was a pitiful sight.

The minute he boarded the plane, he had kindly asked to be left alone for the time being. Once the door to his private cabin was shut, the tears fell ceaselessly as he curled up in his seat.

Thank God for First Class because Hyun Bin didn't think he could stem down the emotions ravaging him from within for the whole 7 hours of flight time.

So deep in his turmoil, the man didn't even realise that the plane had taken off. All he knew was that he was holding onto Happy, pressing the stuffed hippo against his wet cheeks as he thought about his family.

Choked sobs filled his cabin as the man let his heart bleed. His logical mind told him that he was being dramatic but truly, who could blame him after all that he had to fight through to have a family of his own?

It felt as though he was going to war.

There was some truth to that statement, for he shared that same heavy honour in his heart as soldiers did before they went for war.

And truly, even the plane ride felt torturous to Hyun Bin.

He was alone.

If he were home now, they would be sending Eun Ae and Jeong Eun to school. They would probably be singing one of her favourite Disney songs on the car ride there. Was Ye Jin doing that with their children now?

And little Ki Rai would probably be in the kitchen with Mdm Ji Hyun or in the library with Halabeoji. Mina would be following their little one because she loves Ki Rai the best. Was their littlest princess doing fine?

But alas, Hyun Bin could only let his imagination take him back to the sweet feeling of being home with his wife and their children. Their hug at the airport still lingered against his flesh and Hyun Bin was determined to hold onto that feeling for as long as possible.

Sometime into his flight, sleep mercifully claimed him, delivering him to the sweet embrace of darkness.

As Hyun Bin predicted, Ye Jin was driving their eldest two to school after dropping Ki Rai off at home. Yet, Hyun Bin wasn't the only one who felt as though something was missing because the car was suffocatingly silent without the usual Disney songs playing in the background.

Reaching over for the knob, Ye Jin turned to check on Eun Ae when the lights were red, confirming that she didn't want to listen to music for the umpteenth time.

"Are you sure you don't want to hear your songs, sweetheart?"

Shaking her head stubbornly, Eun Ae simply turned back to watch the passing views through the window with a small pout on her face.

"Eomma, can we listen to the news?" Jeong Eun asked politely from the shotgun seat.

"Eomma, can we listen to the news?" Jeong Eun asked politely from the shotgun seat

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