Chapter 5 Chaos and Order

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A/N: Some mentions of sex that the young ones should probably just skip so skip the *** as usual!


If you asked the ancient man of the Hyun Family House what his favourite spot was, he would tell you this.

His favourite spot in the house was where all the beautiful things in the world congregated in one beautiful system of chaos and order.

Bantering and laughter.

Rain and shine.

Weeds and flowers.

Chaos and order.

The family garden. That was Halabeoji's favourite spot.

Because even a deceivingly peaceful garden had its wilder parts and its tamer parts, a direct reflection of human nature.

But despite the uglier sides, the garden was nurtured just the same by a very loving mother. She cradles the plants as her own, coaxing them to grow and bloom to their fullest potential in every season.

Once upon a time, his wife was the garden's loving mother. Now, his grandson's wife had taken on her role. It was amazing, how the garden that was once barren and empty now held so much life.

Now, it was a testimony to nature's wonderment, a place where they could each bare their souls freely.

"Halabeoji." A tinkling voice melded into their early morning.

"Ah, Ye Jin." The elder greeted her kindly.

Quietly, Ye Jin placed a cup of tea next to Halabeoji before she took a seat next to him.

Just like the good old days, an elder and a child were embracing the peaceful morning together. Such times were rare these days ever since Ye Jin had their third. It wasn't easy being a full-time working mother and Ye Jin had gone from someone who embraced the early morning, to someone who preferred to sleep in.

But she held on. They all did. And now, they somehow made life look easy.

"The garden is flourishing." Halabeoji smiled.

"Indeed." Ye Jin sighed softly.

The pair lapsed back into silence although the smiles on their faces said it all. They didn't need words to fill the silence because their hearts did that for them. And as with all their garden talks, Halabeoji had more wisdom to share.

Even if all was good in their lives, a word of wisdom wouldn't hurt anybody. They all needed that constant reminder to hold on to what was true.

"Halmeoni and I were married for 59 long years. I'd like to think we would have been married longer if the heavens didn't take her away from me so soon." Halabeoji started.

"You and Halmeoni had an inspiring love, Halabeoji." Ye Jin acknowledged that with a soft, tender smile.

"Perhaps. We've been married for so long and till this day, there is one lesson I hold on to. I've told my grandsons this before and now, let me tell you what this lesson is." Halabeoji said quietly.

"Never speak ill of your spouse."

It was simple advice, but it was also one that many couples took for granted. If one thought hard about it, they would realise that it was incredibly easy to speak ill of someone that you share your life with daily.

It might be a fleeting comment, or an upright complaint, but the damage such ill words could do to a loving couple was tremendous. Even though Ye Jin could grasp that well, she was still waiting patiently for Halabeoji to explain this piece of wisdom.

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