Chapter 24 Gone

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"Psst Oppa, are you asleep?" Eun Ae whispered, sneaking over to her brother's bed. "Oppa..."

It was the early morning, and like her brother, Eun Ae was naturally an early riser. On a typical weekend morning like this one, they would usually play together before breakfast or until their parents decided to wake up and go for a stroll around the family garden.

But for some odd reason, Jeong Eun was still lying in his bed when Eun Ae woke that morning, which was why she decided to check if he was awake.

Upon walking closer to his still form in bed, Eun Ae was absolutely delighted to see Jeong Eun awake. After all, she had been bored trying to entertain herself for the past few minutes.

Beaming brightly at her brother, Eun Ae's eyes were hopeful as she reached for her brother's arm.

"Oppa! Want to colour with me?" She asked innocently, her voice bright and cheerful.

In her excitement, she hadn't caught on to Jeong Eun's moodiness. But that didn't matter, for his next words certainly left no room for misinterpretation.

"Go away, Eun Ae." Jeong Eun muttered, his voice devoid of its usual energy as he turned his back against Eun Ae.

Instead of feeling offended by her brother's uncharacteristic disregard, Eun Ae quietly withdrew from Jeong Eun's room, a small frown plastered across her face as she ran off to her parents' room.

It didn't take a genius to figure out how worried Eun Ae was for her brother. And by the time she ran to her parents' room, she was already on the verge of tears.

In the master bedroom, sunlight streamed through the window, casting a warm, peaceful glow. Hyun Bin, a picture of sculpted perfection, had been looking out their bedroom window, his arms crossed, and his broad back rippling with the subtle definition of untensed muscles beneath his white wool sweatshirt. He had been lost in contemplation, replaying the conversation with Jinnie the night before, when his reverie was shattered by the pitter-patter of their daughter's feet.

 He had been lost in contemplation, replaying the conversation with Jinnie the night before, when his reverie was shattered by the pitter-patter of their daughter's feet

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His face quickly morphed into worry when he saw Eun Ae burst in with tears in her eyes, her distress prompting him to check on her as he called out to her.

"Princess?" The term of endearment slipped from his lips tenderly as he took a step closer to the bed.

Behind him, he heard the distinct rustling of bedsheets as his wife got up to check on their daughter. Her face, etched with worry lines, reflected his inner worries as she moved to squat in front of their daughter.

"Eomma, Oppa is sick," Eun Ae whimpered, her bottom lip trembling uncontrollably.

"Jeong Eun? Omo, it's okay, sweetie. Come here," Ye Jin soothed, opening her arms wide as Eun Ae ran straight into her embrace.

Hearing what his daughter said, Hyun Bin pivoted instantly, concern deepening on his face as he headed out of the room to check on Jeong Eun while his wife tended to Eun Ae.

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