Chapter 23 You're On Your Own, Kid

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After all that had happened in the Hyun Family House, Hyun Bin made the decision to stay for the month; just until he was sure that things had settled. Although Jinnie had assured him that she could manage, he couldn't help but worry about her, knowing how tired she must be physically and emotionally. So, he chose to stay to take care of his wife and children. Besides, a tiny part of him was reminded of the importance of family following Halabeoji's death. Work could wait, but his time with his family can never be recovered once it is gone.

But alas, weird things were happening in the Hyun Family House. For starters – much to Hyun Bin and Ye Jin's collective dismay – they fought. And though you might claim that it is normal for any married couple to fight every now and then, this wasn't just any fight. It was a fight that left them emotionally exhausted and unable to confront the matter together like they usually did. For the first time in forever, Ye Jin felt the need to walk out on Hyun Bin before they continued the discussion further, so she did just that. Neither Hyun Bin nor Ye Jin could remember the last time they fought like that, especially when they usually agreed to disagree when it came to parenting their children.

So, what on earth led to their fight?

Well, it had anything and everything to do with an accelerated programme that Teacher Liza had called Ye Jin about.

After Ye Jin had gotten off the call with Teacher Liza that morning, the first person she wished to share the good news with was none other than her husband. Thankfully, they were both working from home that day since neither of them was needed at VAST for any scheduled meetings, which meant Ye Jin could easily slip into Hyun Bin's study.

Hyun Bin had his head bent over some legal documents pertaining to a potential M&A when Ye Jin joined him in the study. Ye Jin stopped to admire her husband with his reading glasses perched charmingly on his nose before he slipped them off. The man rubbed his face tiredly before he smiled at his beloved and stood up to give her a hug. Naturally, Ye Jin melted into his embrace although she didn't forget why she came to his study in the first place.

"Yeobo, I have some exciting news to share with you!" Ye Jin pulled back slightly with a proud beam on her face, her eyes lit up with joy.

"What news has gotten you so happy that you're practically bouncing on the balls of your feet, my love?" Hyun Bin chuckled softly at how adorable Jinnie looked, instinctively rubbing her arm with one hand.

"Teacher Liza called." Ye Jin shared. "She told me that Jeong Eun has been offered a place in their accelerated programme. Isn't that delightful, Bin?"

Without missing a beat, Ye Jin proceeded to explain what the programme was about and though any parent would be rightly excited over such an opportunity, Hyun Bin didn't share the same excitement. In fact, he found that the more his wife shared, the more concerned he became; as apparent by the deepening frown lines etched upon his forehead.

Truthfully, the news wasn't all too surprising to Hyun Bin. After all, they have always known that Jeong Eun was exceptionally bright for his age. With his insatiable curiosity for knowledge, they have never once received any complaints from his teachers who held nothing but high praise for their little man. Coupled with the well-known fact that renowned institutions – such as the one their children attended – often picked the cream of the crop to participate in such programmes to enrich their knowledge, one only had to put two and two together to conclude that Jeong Eun would naturally receive an offer. But now that the day has come, Hyun Bin was feeling oddly out of sorts with himself and he couldn't quite wrap his head around the news.

"Jinnie...doesn't it seem a little much? Jeong Eun's only six..." Hyun Bin started unsurely.

"What are you talking about? It's an amazing opportunity for him, Bin!" Ye Jin was frowning now, for she couldn't quite understand why her husband didn't seem to share her excitement. "We always knew that Jeong Eun's especially bright for his age. This programme can challenge him beyond the usual curriculum. As his parents, we should fuel his love for learning."

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