Chapter 14 Second Time Around

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They said that the second time would get better, that by then, one would be used to it and therefore be more accepting of what changed.

Well, whoever said that clearly did not do enough research because the second time certainly did not make anything easier. If the cries of their children were anything to go by, the second time was in fact harder.

The second time involved much exasperation, on top of the tiredness both Hyun Bin and Ye Jin felt after a long day of tying up loose ends at the workplace. This was why neither of them had the full capacity to deal with the crying from their youngest, much less from their eldest two as well.

To sum it all up, what welcomed them back home was a horrendously messy situation that was quickly becoming out of hand as the seconds ticked by.

But before we deal with their munchkins' wailing, we have to go back to a few days before.

It all started with Hyun Bin's suitcase.

Oh, and of course our favourite chocolate baby.

Now, Ki Rai might still be growing and learning, which was why most of the time, she was quite clueless about what was happening around her. But the one thing that she had figured out – being the smart baby she was – was the fact that every single time that big box with a zip emerged, it meant that she wouldn't see her father in the next few days.

He was leaving as she would often hear everyone say – and the little one could now understand what that term meant.

To her, it meant she wouldn't be able to get upsies from her father, nor would he be there to tuck her in every night. He wouldn't be there to wipe her tears away or help her find her teddy bear.

To a 2-year-old, that was truly a horrible feeling.

To be fair, it wasn't something that most 2-year-olds had to experience either.

That was why when Ki Rai saw Hyun Bin's luggage splayed wide open in the master bedroom, she had to do something; anything to stop him from leaving. In every sense possible, she was on a baby strike, and her plan was to have her father stow her away in his suitcase.

With Mina watching her carefully, Ki Rai clambered into the suitcase that was nearly as tall as she was and clapped happily when she succeeded. It quickly became apparent that the little one could fit in Hyun Bin's suitcase and she was sure he would never even notice.

Pulling the top of the luggage down on herself, Ki Rai yelped when the lid slammed down on her and the world became dark, apart from the tiny bit of light seeping in from the edges.

She didn't like it. She wanted out of this weird contraption.

Struggling in the luggage, Ki Rai managed to stick one arm out but found herself stuck again with no way out. She began to wail, frustrated over the fact that she lost function of her limbs in the cramped space of the luggage.

On the outside, Mina yipped worriedly at the child before she scampered out of the room in search of help.

Thankfully, help came in the form of the man himself, who had been shocked that their daughter had somehow shut herself in his luggage. Terrified that Ki Rai had hurt herself, Hyun Bin quickly got on his knees and rescued her, lifting the shaken child into his arms.

"How did you get in there, princess? Did you get a boo-boo?" The man fussed over their child, counting and checking each of her little toes and fingers.

Sniffling slightly, Ki Rai simply pressed her tear-stained face against Hyun Bin's chest, pouting silently because her plan had failed. Hyun Bin simply took her out of the master bedroom, cradling her tenderly in his arms as he patted her back soothingly.

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