Chapter 15 Contemplation

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"Go, go, go, go...Mine's down!" Jeong Eun whooped, raising his hand the minute the raindrop he picked had slid down the edge of the car window.

In the backseat, Ki Rai and Eun Ae protested over their brother's win, although that didn't last long since the children decided to play another round of their little raindrop race. Ye Jin laughed at their children's competitiveness over the single drop of rain. There was no doubt that they were all their precious children, for they had inherited their will to win from Ye Jin.

It was endearing how into the game their children were, but Ye Jin wasn't complaining. To a mother, having children who knew how to entertain themselves was extremely helpful especially when she was focused on driving them to the hospital.

Throughout the drive, the family had a good laugh together despite the occasional groans when one of them would lose their little game. Beyond that, there was no better way to start a rainy morning like this one than their children making the best out of it.

Soon, Ye Jin pulled up at the hospital, where they would be spending the morning with some of the inpatients as part of the paediatric department's Booster Playtime. Since the new RiRi series had just been published, Ye Jin thought it was an appropriate time to visit the children again and read to them.

She and Hyun Bin occasionally visited them as an age-old promise that they would do so every month, having had a good experience together the first time.

It wasn't so much as it was for VAST's publicity as the earnest joy they felt whenever they could personally make someone's day. It didn't take a genius to know that they adored children and had a soft spot for them either.

In recent years, they started to bring their children along for these visits, seeing many benefits in exposing them to a world outside the protective cocoon they had built around them as a loving family. Their legacy would continue and they were always surprised by their children's boundless capacity to learn to empathise and be kind.

Every single day, they were teaching them to love just a little bit more and hate just a little bit less. That was their job as parents and so far, they have been doing well.

Director Lee met them at the lobby with that ever-familiar fatherly smile of his. The man was absolutely jovial over their visit especially when the children ran up to him to embrace him.

"Halabeoji!" They chorused in unison, eliciting a chortle of hearty laughter from the man who was like a second father to Ye Jin.

"It's good to see you again, Director Lee." Ye Jin greeted him with a bright smile.

"You should visit more, my dear." Director Lee lifted Ki Rai into his arms when the little one had demanded upsies. "Come along now, the children are waiting."

Naturally, Ye Jin greeted the children who were more than happy to see her again. Some of them ran up to give her a hug whereas the newer additions stayed shyly behind the group before Ye Jin had offered them a few finger hearts. The smile on her face exudes warmth, for it came from deep within, straight from her sincere heart.

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