Chapter 6 I'll Miss You

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"Jagiya, I got you some health supplements. Take them at least twice a week when you're there, arasseo?" Ye Jin unzipped the empty luggage so that she could start packing for her husband's trip.

"Angel, you didn't have to." Hyun Bin sighed softly as he naturally wrapped his arms around his wife.

"You're going to be swarmed with meetings when you get there. You have to take good care of your health." Ye Jin frowned.

"Arasseo, I promise I'll take these twice a week. Even every day if that's what you want me to do."

"Ani, twice a week is more than enough."

Nodding his head softly, Hyun Bin kept a tight hold around his wife, relishing in the warmth that naturally emanated off her in waves. She was home. But she was also a home that he had to learn to live without soon.

A week.

That was all the time they had left before he had to leave for his trip.

Was either of them ready for this?

If they were being honest, no.

And they doubt they would ever be ready for this.

Yet, they kept the façade up because it made everything just a little more bearable, a little more comprehendible, and a little more possible.

Yes, they could do this. Three weeks. They just have to survive three weeks.

Easier said than done. Because even the mere thought of coming back to a life without one another physically present pained the couple greatly.

For Hyun Bin, it would be an empty bedroom.

For Ye Jin, it would be the same.

Three weeks.

It was only three weeks.

And then 6 months.

They would be fine. Their love would see them through.

That acute shift in the air around them was obvious to the couple as Ye Jin turned to embrace him.

Wordlessly, she was telling him she would miss him.

Wordlessly, he was telling her they had to be strong.

This was just an extension of the 2-3 days trip that Hyun Bin occasionally took. They survived then. They could survive this time too.

"Jinnie, do you want some chocolate cake?" That was Hyun Bin's attempt to take their minds off his impending departure.

"You read my mind, Binnie. Let's go." Ye Jin smiled.

All they packed into the luggage that day were those health supplements representing Ye Jin's wish for her husband to be healthy.

❀ ❀ ❀

6 days away from Hyun Bin's departure, the Hyun family were especially excited to spend the day with their guests. All morning, the children had been anticipating the ringing of their doorbell.


"They're here!"

The pitter-patter of tiny feet could be heard all the way to the entrance of the family house. Jeong Eun was the first to grab onto the doorknob as he swung the door open to greet their guests.

"Samchon! Imo!" The children chorused.

"Annyeong!" Ye Jin appeared at the doorway moments later, placing her hands on her littlest one's shoulders to steady her.

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