Chapter 2 Gentleman

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Waking up in the morning has never been the same since his angel came into his life.

Even more so when they welcomed their children into their lives.

But for this morning, it seems that Hyun Bin could enjoy some semblance of their lives before, without their children barging in to make a bouncy castle out of their bed.

He loves their children, but he had to admit that some quality time with his wife now and then wouldn't hurt.

Their room was steadily growing brighter as the sun rose outside their window. With that came the day's rays, highlighting the beautiful form of his wife through their blanket.

Through the languid daze of daybreak, Hyun Bin snuggled up to his wife. Those adorable indents on his cheeks deepened when he took a whiff of her gentle floral scent, allowing him to bask in their moment of pure bliss as his angel slept in his arms.

But with that came the pang in his heart when he realised they had run out of another day.

As much as he has been trying to ignore his imminent departure, Hyun Bin was occasionally reminded of it during times like these. Whenever a moment was sweet, he couldn't help but think how much he would miss it when he must part with his family.

It has been slightly over three days. While life was relatively normal with their children, Hyun Bin and Ye Jin were both silently counting down the days till then.

Yet, neither of them said anything. They didn't want to waste the good moments. Rather, they wanted to embrace these good moments because from there, they could build a reserve of memories that would tide them through the days to come.

Placing a kiss on his angel's forehead, Hyun Bin captured the sleeping visage of Ye Jin in his mind, adding it to the mosaic of memories he has of her.

This would do

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This would do. They would be fine.

Like a mantra, Hyun Bin repeated those words in his head as he slipped out of bed to prepare breakfast for the family. Shuffling slippers found their way around the bed to tuck Ye Jin in gently before the man closed the door to their bedroom as softly as he could manage.


Gingerly, Hyun Bin snuck off to the children's rooms, keeping his footsteps surprisingly light despite his build.

Opening the door to his littlest princess' door, Hyun Bin smiled when he saw Ki Rai buried under her cow-print blanket with her teddy bear peeking out from underneath. Ki Rai never once stirred even when her father placed a kiss on her cheek and adjusted her blanket such that she could breathe better.

Looking down at his sleeping beauty, Hyun Bin couldn't help but pat her arm gently, cooing when she instinctively nuzzled her face against his arm.

And just like that, he captured another memory in his mind.

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