Chapter 9 Family Diary

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"Hey, honey! This is Day 18 of our video diary. I really ought to give this series a name...Anyway, I'm excited since you're coming home tomorrow." Ye Jin smiled at the video camera, the same one her cousin had used to document her pregnancy journey with Eun Ae.

After Hae In had come over that night, Ye Jin had the bright idea of documenting their lives for Hyun Bin while he was away. She had initially wanted to do a plant diary to keep track of the growth of the plant Hyun Bin gave her for White Day but decided to do one of their children too.

So here she was, in the garden, with the sun hugging her as she did her daily commentary and recollections of the day.

"They're blooming beautifully, Binnie. I had to prune it for the third time yesterday and these guys are fussy, but I think the hard part is done." Ye Jin zoomed in on the bush of flowers.

"The children are still at school. Ki Rai's going to help me bake a cake for you in a bit. I'll update you on how that goes. I love you, honey. Come home soon! We're all excited!" Ye Jin waved adorably at the camera.

With that, she kept the video camera and went to search for their youngest. Humming lightly, Ye Jin was in a particularly good mood with Hyun Bin's homecoming around the corner.

Thinking back to those three weeks she and the children had spent missing him, Ye Jin couldn't help but be amazed by how far they have come.

Their three weeks without Hyun Bin had many ups and downs but now that they were almost done with the first cycle, Ye Jin felt more confident about the next 5 months.

And since we're on the topic of those three weeks, let's look back on what the Hyun family went through, starting from the day after Ki Rai's tantrum.

When the mysterious plant showed the first signs of growth, Ye Jin started her video series. It was the day after Ki Rai's tantrum which had thankfully been resolved by Teddy Hae In.

Unfortunately, they had a new problem.

Ki Rai would be fine if Teddy Hae In was around. But the minute Hae In removed the costume, the waterworks and screams would start. Sadly, that meant Hae In was stuck in that hot furnace of a mascot costume for the day.

That night, when Ye Jin was filming her video, a rather sweaty Hae In had joined her, holding the head of the bear by his side. The man was still wearing the costume just in case Ki Rai woke up suddenly.

"Poor Hae In. He has been in your costume the whole day because Ki Rai cries whenever Teddy Hae In isn't around." Ye Jin sympathized as she handed her cousin a cup of water.

"Gosh, Bin! Couldn't you have chosen a more breathable costume? I mean...sure it looks like her stuffed bear but I'm the one who's suffocating in it. I don't think I need to go to the gym this week with all the sweat I worked up. You owe me big time, dude." Hae In shook his sweat-drenched hair in exasperation.

"We do. Gomawo, Hae In. I don't think she'll wake up. Go shower." Ye Jin nudged her cousin out of the garden subtly.

After Hae In left the garden, Ye Jin turned back to the garden and started filling Hyun Bin in on what their children did that day. Of particular significance was Jeong Eun learning how to use the dishwasher.

"Remember that time I couldn't figure out how to use the washing machine? Gosh, I'm thankful Jeong Eun takes after you. Our little man learnt how to use the dishwasher today! Such a smart boy. He's been a great help around the house, honey. He refuses to play unless he is done with the chores." Ye Jin shook her head fondly at that thought.

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