Chapter 21 Wait

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A week later

Silence isn't common in the Hyun Family House.

Laughter, bantering, the pitter-patter sound of running feet. Those were common.

Silence certainly wasn't.

But for their littlest princess, this wasn't the case.

For as long as she remembers; in even her faintest recollection of their home, silence always came between the early hours of the day to the fuzzy late afternoons, when the light would stream in through the windows to light up her world in the softest, warmest glow.

Silence accompanied Ki Rai whenever her siblings were at this thing called "school" and her parents were at that big building with all the nice people who would shower her with sweets.

Hyun Ki Rai was probably the only one amongst her siblings who didn't mind the silence. It was the only time she was calm and in control of her emotions.

She liked being alone.


Mostly because on the days when she missed her father – he was in Singapore again, Ki Rai craved company.

That would certainly explain why Ki Rai was currently wandering the corridors of their homely abode, in search of the special someone who would provide her company.

Her little feet carried her down the spiral staircase...

...past the common room...

...down to the kitchen where Mdm Ji Hyun handed her a tiny piece of yagwa.

Ki Rai paused then to enjoy the special treat before she retreated to the narrower corridor leading to their family garden.

"Halabeoji?" Her murmur melted into the lazy afternoon air as she approached the old man dozing in his chair.

"Halabeoji." Ki Rai called the second time, this time in a clearer voice.

The wise man woke with a start as a single snort escaped him, having sensed his great-grandchild's presence even in his sleep.

"Annyeong, Ki Rai-ah. To what do I owe the pleasure?" Halabeoji spoke sleepily, barely suppressing a yawn.

Instead of responding, Ki Rai simply smiled expectedly at Halabeoji, her arms tightening ever so subtly around a book that was nearly too big for her to hold.

"What's that you've got, little miss?" Halabeoji's eyes twinkled knowingly, hiding a hint of mirth in their depths.

Pursing her lips, Ki Rai extended the book to Halabeoji, silently conveying her request through unblinking eyes.

After all, Halabeoji was everyone's favourite storyteller.

Taking the book from Ki Rai, Halabeoji read the title aloud, marking the beginning of their adventure to the world of fairytales and fables.

"The tortoise and the hare." The wise man spoke rhythmically.

"Bunny!" Ki Rai exclaimed adorably.

"Well, they certainly share some resemblance." Halabeoji chuckled while he helped Ki Rai into his lap. "But hares are far different from your average pets. You see, they thrive in the wild."

"Oooo." Ki Rai seemed more focused on the book as she pointed at the "bunny" again.

Laughing softly, Halabeoji took his time to flip to the first page where the words "Once upon a time" popped out to them like a treasure trove just waiting to be discovered.

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