Chapter 8 Big Boss

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Song for the chapter: 输入法打可爱按第五

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"What are you singing, sweetheart?" Ye Jin laughed.

It has been two days since Hyun Bin left for Singapore and family life had calmed a great deal now that they were all getting used to this new arrangement.

Currently, Ye Jin was driving their eldest two to their kindergarten and Eun Ae had burst into song out of nowhere.

"It's a new song we're learning in school, eomma!" Eun Ae let out a toothy grin before she started singing again.

"Jinjja? Do you know it too, Jeong Eun?" Ye Jin glanced over at the seat beside her.

"Ne. I know the song too." Jeong Eun smiled.

The car came to a halt again at the junction and Ye Jin pulled out her phone to check if she had any important texts. Eun Ae was still singing then and Ye Jin decided to film her. Jeong Eun took over her phone seconds later as Ye Jin drove, filming his sister singing and doing the actions they learned perfectly.

"Good job!" Ye Jin smiled when Eun Ae ended the song, much to their little one's delight.

"Can I send a video to appa?" Jeong Eun asked his mother.

"Of course, monkey."

Kicking his legs excitedly, Jeong Eun forwarded the video of his sister to his father before he filmed a message too. Ye Jin listened attentively to what their son was saying, her heart, melting, every now and then by Jeong Eun's thoughtfulness.

(Whatever I typed below is so not what he said in this video but y'all Korean speaking peeps can just humour me and pretend that's what he said😂)

"Appa, you've got this! Okay?" Jeong Eun raised his fist in a fighting sign before he sent the video too.

By the time they reached the kindergarten, Ye Jin had the song Eun Ae was singing stuck in her head and was humming it on her drive to work.

Part of parenting was embracing the fact that you'll probably be analysing all the Disney movie plots with your children and singing all the songs they love. Ye Jin truly didn't mind that. There was something magical about seeing the world through the lenses of children. In that sense, they were teaching her to live with her imagination.

After parking the car, Ye Jin got out with her handbag, oblivious to how beautiful she was with her hair waving gently to her footsteps. Her outfit today consisted of a multi-coloured print blouse tucked into white pants; simple yet effortlessly stylish especially with the black cardigan she added just in case she got cold.

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